As gearing in PVP is really complicated and depends on the teams you're running, this guide will only explain the archetypes for gearing.
Also, while the guide just uses the images for Counters gear, the guide applies to all types of characters.
PVP Gearing
There are five main kinds of PvP gear:

- Set - CDR
- Substats - Ground Damage, Skill Haste

Autoattack DPS
- Set - ATK, ASPD, Any Spectral (Blaze Preferred)
- Substats - Ground Damage on EVERY piece, Striker/Defender Damage on 2nd lines.

Full Tank
- Set - HP or DEF. On most units DEF is worse by a percent or two, but it’s still a good option.
- Inhibitor Weapons are mandatory because in PvP no set no latent Inhibs are better than any other alternative on frontliners.
- Substats - Ground Res on EVERY piece, Melee/Ranged/Counter Res on 2nd lines and latents. CDMG RES on maze armor. Evasion accessories whenever possible, but melee res Gordias ones are alright too.
- Set - CDR/ASPD set
- Inhibitor Weapons are mandatory because in PvP no set no latent Inhibs are better than any other alternative on frontliners
- Substats - Ground Res on EVERY piece, Melee/Ranged/Counter Res on 2nd lines and latents. CDMG RES on maze armor. Evasion accessories whenever possible, but melee res Gordias ones are alright too.
- This is a niche set that only is used in certain scenarios.

Defensive CDR
- Set - CDR
- Substats - Skill haste on EVERY piece. Ground/Counter/Melee/Ranged RES on 2nd lines.
Relic Gear

Good DPS gear. Mostly used for Melee/Ranged damage latent rolls. Counter Evasion main stat accessories are especially important because they allow you to go above evasion thresholds.
Useful Latent | Set | Notes |
Ranged Damage | ASPD, ATK, CDR | Usable on most DPS units. |
Melee Damage | ASPD, ATK, CDMG | Niche, mostly used by AMina, RElizabeth and terror |
ATK%, CDMG% | ASPD, ATK, CDMG | Placeholder gear until you get melee/ranged damage pieces. |

Used as tank gear. Evasion Accessories are much better than hit ones.
Useful Latent | Set | Notes |
Melee / Ranged DMG RES | HP, DEF, CDR, ASPD | BIS Tank latents. Ranged DMG RES is preferred over melee on most tanks. Mostly forward deployment units truly benefit from Melee Res. |
Skill Haste | CDR | Mostly used for weapons. Mixing ground res Inhibitor and Swift relics allows for very tanky units that still have close to maximum skill haste. |
Skill Haste | HP, DEF | Usually worse than above. |
HP%, CDMG RES% | HP, DEF, CDR, ASPD | Placeholder until you get better pieces. CDMG RES is actually strong on low evasion units, but those aren’t really viable in PvP. |

Better maze gear if you get a decent skill haste latent roll. ASPD latent sees very niche use. As is with any relic gear evasion accessories are incredibly important
Useful Latent | Set | Notes |
Skill Haste | CDR | Usable by any skill-haste based unit. Substats depend on the unit in question. |
ASPD | ASPD | Agnes, Acolytes (worse than jungle), AHorizon, middling AMina builds. |
Movement Speed | HP, DEF | Maestra gear |

Also known as Wild Relic Gear. This is endgame gear with relatively low farming priority. Used as 2pc set on frontliners, some healers can run full healing enhancement build. Tanks can’t use Wild weapons because it lacks Ground DMG RES substat, so Inhibitor is still mandatory. With the new overtime system there is less reason to farm Jungle for frontliner gear, but it’s still good for some healers.
Useful Latent | Set | Notes |
Incoming Healing+ | Incoming Healing+, Melee/Ranged/Ground DMG Res | Frontliner gear, incredible on self-healing units. Most notable example is Mors. |
HP% / CDMG RES% | Incoming Healing, Melee/Ranged/Ground DMG Res | Placeholder frontliner gear. |
Healing Enhancement+ | Healing Enhancement+ | Non-skill haste based healers. Right now that’s Ironside, Acolytes and Claudia. |
Healing Enhancement+ | ASPD | Acolyte only gear that’s tiny bit worse than full Healing Enchancement gear. |

Also known as Flame Relic Gear. This is endgame gear with relatively low farming priority. Can be used on most units that don’t rely on skill haste. The best set for Volcano gear is Ground DMG, but ASPD2, Special DMG AMP and Cooldown2 see some niche use.
Useful Latent | Set | Notes |
Anti-Counter DMG | Any DPS Set | Highest DPS gear in the game, provided that week is mostly counter frontline. |
Special DMG AMP | Any DPS Set | Extremely niche. |
ATK% / ASPD / CDMG | Any DPS Set | Placeholders for actually good volcano pieces. |