This is a generic PVE gearing guide, meant for explaining the terminology used in our PVE gearing recommendations for characters.
This guide is by no means exhaustive and should only be used as a reference point. Specialised gear sets that are best used for specialised content (such as Danger Close) will not be covered here.
PVE Gearing
There are five main kinds of PvE gear:

- Uses only Maze gear pieces for best performance
- Set - CDR
- Substats - Always aim for Skill Haste on second line (First line subs are locked on Maze Gears)

Defensive CDR
- Set - CDR
- Substats - Always aim for Skill Haste on second line, and Anti-Melee/Anti-Ranged/Anti-Ground/Anti-Soldier/Anti-Mech/Anti-Counter Damage Res on the first line (depending on the enemy type you are fighting)

Autoattack DPS
- Can use a variety of different pieces, such as Maze, Britra Relics, and Spectral gear
- Set - ATK, ASPD, or Any Spectral set
- Substats - Anti-Ground Damage, Anti-Striker/Anti-Defender/Anti-Ranger/Anti-Sniper/Crit Damage (depending on the enemy type you are fighting)

Full Tank
- Set - HP
- Inhibitor Weapons are preferred because they are the only weapons in the game which can roll Anti-Ground Damage Res
- Substats - As much Anti-Ground Dmg Res as possible, and at least 50% CDMG Res
- Set - CDR/ASPD set
- nhibitor Weapons are preferred because they are the only weapons which can roll Anti-Ground Damage Res
- Substats - Aim for as much Anti-Ground Damage Res as possible. Remaining substats will vary greatly depending on a unit’s kit.
- This is a niche set which is only used in certain scenarios and on a select few units.
- Note: CDR Tank focuses more on tanking, while Defensive CDR focuses more on having more Skill Haste
Relic Gear
This section deals with the five kinds of Relic T7 gear you can get in-game, and what they are best used for.

Mainly used as autoattack DPS based gear.
Useful Latent | Set | Notes |
Ranged Damage | ASPD, ATK (Anti-XX sets can be used depending on scenario) | Usable on all ranged DPS units. |
Melee Damage | ASPD, ATK (Anti-XX sets can be used depending on scenario) | Usable on all melee DPS units. |
ATK% | ASPD, ATK (Anti-XX sets can be used depending on scenario) | Usable on all DPS units in general. |
CDMG% | ASPD, ATK (Anti-XX sets can be used depending on scenario) | Generally only useful on units who are able to always crit, like Kestrel Xiao Lin. |

Used as tank gear. Evasion Accessories are SIGNIFICANTLY better than Hit ones.
Useful Latent | Set | Notes |
CDMG Res | HP | Great option for helping you hit a total of 50% CDMG Res. |
Anti-Ranged Damage Res | HP | Generally only useful on units who will be consistently damaged at range. |
Anti-Melee Damage Res | HP | Useful on most frontline tanks. |
HP% | HP | Great latent choice if your unit is already capped on both Anti-XX Res and has at least 50% CDMG Res. |

Mainly used for extremely high ASPD builds, or for Defensive CDR builds.
Useful Latent | Set | Notes |
ASPD | ASPD | Useful only on units whose kits scale immensely well on ASPD. |
Skill Haste (Only for Accessories) | CDR | Swift Accessories are the only Accessories in the game which can have both Skill Haste and Anti-Ground Damage Res subs at the same time, making them uniquely useful for Defensive CDR builds. |
ATK%/CDMG% | ASPD, ATK (Anti-XX sets can be used depending on scenario) | Usable on all DPS units in general, but generally worse than Britra Relics. |

Used for certain frontliners, healers, or other unique units.
Useful Latent | Set | Notes |
Incoming Healing | Incoming Healing, Melee/Ranged/Ground DMG Res | Can be BIS on self-healing units such as Mors. |
Healing Enhancement | Healing Enhancement | Good on healers who do not rely on Skill Haste, such as Acolyte. |
ASPD | Healing Enhancement | Another good option for Acolytes. |
SPD | Speed | Pretty much just Maestra gear. |

Used mostly for DPS units.
Useful Latent | Set | Notes |
Anti-Counter/Anti-Soldier/Anti-Mech Damage | Anti-Ground Damage | Good for stacking Anti-XX subs against a certain enemy unit type. |
ATK%/ASPD/CDMG | Anti-Ground Damage | Good latents for generic DPS usage. CDMG is less useful on units that do not have guaranteed crit. |
Any DPS oriented latent, really | Defense Penetration | Only useful if you are unable to get a significant amount of Defense shred on a high Defense enemy, for whatever reason. |