Apex Jackal: Machine CollectorInformation and Guide


Apex Jackal: Machine Collector is a SSR Rarity character from the
Supporter class and
type. They are part of the Apex Jackal faction.

They are a Rearmed Character - if you're looking for the base version of that character please check this profile.

To learn more about Apex Jackal: Machine Collector check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Apex Jackal: Machine Collector check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.


Review and ratings

Other information


Combat information
Deployment Cost
3 cost
Movement Type
Attack type

Basic Attack

Valid hits: 1

Cooldown: -

Fires a gun at a target in front.

Level 2: Basic Attack DMG +3%

Level 3: Basic Attack DMG +3%

Level 4: Basic Attack DMG +3%

Level 5: Basic Attack DMG +3%

Level 6: Basic Attack DMG +2%

Level 7: Basic Attack DMG +2%

Level 8: Basic Attack DMG +2%

Level 9: Basic Attack DMG +2%

Level 10: Basic Attack DMG +5%


Power Control

Valid hits: -

Cooldown: -

Increases her and all allies' DMG RES Penetration by 25% for 15 seconds upon deployment (x2 effect on Mechs). After every 3 basic attacks, delivers an enhanced attack. Stacks a buff effect when performing an enhanced attack, and then consumes all stacks when casting Special Skill (Up to 4 stacks).

Level 2: HP +3%

Level 3: HP +3%

Level 4: HP +6%

Level 5: Gains 4 stacks of enhanced attack buff upon deployment.

Level 6: HP +3%

Level 7: HP +3%

Level 8: HP +3%

Level 9: HP +9%

Level 10: Ultimate Skill cooldown -2 s when casting an enhanced attack.



Valid hits: 3

Cooldown: 21 seconds

Releases the subminiature drones' energy, dealing AoE damage to and around the target. The enemy hit with the last attack receives DMG RES Suppression +25% for 25 seconds (x2 effect on Mechs). Additionally receives DMG Taken AMP +2-10% for 2-10 seconds in proportion to the consumed enhanced attack buff stacks (x2 effect on Mechs). After casting Special Skill, grants self with ASPD +15% for 15 seconds.

Level 2: DMG +5%

Level 3: DMG +5%

Level 4: DMG +15%

Level 5: Nullifies 1 random, non-Permanent buff Stuns affected Mechs for 4s.

Level 6: Cooldown -1s

Level 7: Cooldown -1s

Level 8: Cooldown -1s

Level 9: Cooldown -1s

Level 10: ASPD +30% after casting Special Skill instead


Pulse Swarm

Valid hits: 4

Cooldown: 52 seconds

Creates a group of subminiature drones that follow enemies and inflict AoE damage. The affected enemies receive DMG-Up Suppression +25% for 12 seconds (x2 effect on Mechs).

Level 2: Cooldown -2 seconds

Level 3: Cooldown -2 seconds

Level 4: Cooldown -4 seconds

Level 5: Affected Mechs' HP -2% per sec for 10 s (Bosses excluded)

Level 6: DMG +3%

Level 7: DMG +3%

Level 8: DMG +3%

Level 9: DMG +6%

Level 10: Affected Mechs' Incoming Healing -50% for 10s



Valid hits: -

Cooldown: -

Upon deployment, grants ATK +10% to ally Mechs on the battlefield for 10 seconds.

Level 2: Upon deployment, ASPD +3% to self

Level 3: Upon deployment, ASPD +3% to self

Level 4: Upon deployment, ASPD +6% to self

Level 5: ATK +20% to ally Mechs instead


Apex Jackal: Machine Collector stats aren't available yet. They will be added soon!

KR Release Date
August 14th, 2024
GLOBAL Release Date
August 14th, 2024



PVE (Early)


PVE (Late)




Apex Jackal Machine Collector is an improvement over her base version. She got a slew of buffs with the most impactful being lower cooldowns and a 30% ASPD buff after Special Skill.

In practice this means MC barely changed as her most impactful part (on-deploy DMG RES PEN buff to Mechs) has remained unchanged.

Pros & Cons

  • Noticeable upgrade.


  • Still does the same things as her base version, just slightly better.

Other information

Gear recommendation
PVE gear

Set: Defensive CDR

PVP gear

Set: Defensive CDR

The gear recommendations have been simplified and you should use them in combination with this guide (for PVP) and this guide (for PVE).