
This guides assumes you've read our Beginner guide that explains various systems you will encounter in the game and instead it will focus on giving various tips that will help you navigate and progress through the game.


  • Before starting the story you will be able to choose either Casual or Challenge mode. Challenge mode doesn't give you pre-made characters to use and the monsters you encounter there do more damage and have vastly more HP. Overall there's really no reason to pick the Challenge mode unless you want to to well, challenge yourself as the rewards are exactly the same in both.
  • You can change between Casual and Challenge mode on the story screen at any time - so the choice you make initially isn't final.
  • Hard mode unlocks after clearing a chapter and provides additional rewards.
  • Focus on the Main Story first and only start completing side missions when you're forced to level up to unlock the next Main Story zone.
  • Make sure to do all the challenges for the stage. Challenges are basically Stars for the stages, so make sure to do all of them so you do not have to track back and revisit the stage again. Missing out on these stars will also mean you'll be getting less tokens, which are needed to progress further into the story. In different modes they also provide extra materials for pulls or character building.
  • Make sure to do the side missions once you're stuck in story. They will also provide with tokens used for unlocking next zones as well as extra pull resources.
  • Do not forget to visit NPCs such as Coffee shop, The Newspaper stand and your helper Bangboo in your base.
  • You can fuse and dismantle character upgrade materials, so in case if you need to upgrade a new character, just dismantle the materials you got from upper tiers.
  • Do not forget to do your Battle Pass Daily and Weekly missions, they provide pretty decent materials, especially during the early stages of the game.
  • There's a set of weekly rewards you can obtain in Rally commissions, as well as Hollow Zone License Pass, so make sure to do enough runs to get them all.
  • Always do your dailies as they provide a good amount of Account EXP and Polychromes for your account.

Leveling and Battery usage

  • Don't let your Batteries (stamina) overcap. 240 Batteries is the maximum amount you can store and regenerate over 24h.
  • Decide on what your main team is going to be as early as possible to avoid wasting resources and to be able to better focus on what disk drives to farm for.
  • You ideally want to have a Main DPS, a Stunner, and a Supporter in a team. Your Main DPS will want to use the most on field time during the enemies staggered phase to dish out the most damage basically, other than that you want to parry-swap between the Stunner and Main dps most of the time.
  • You will eventually need a Main Dps for each element, but it's not something you need to worry about early on. Due to how the team building works in ZZZ, you can most often mix them with either the same element or same faction to make use of their passives.
  • Use your Batteries for farming resources early on. You will need a solid bit for upgrading the characters, it can be either EXP for them or the weapons, as well as ascension materials for skills or talents. Do no use them on Drive Disk farming since you only want to start focusing on them once you reach account level 40.
  • In early game level your Main dps to the max level they can be, and the remaining characters in your main team can stay 10 levels below to save on resources.
  • Do not invest in 3 star W-Engines (Weapons) too much as they are just placeholders until you get 4 and 5 star W-Engines.
  • Do not forget to do your weekly boss runs in the Reckless Challenge!

Drive Disks

  • Focus on getting your Account level to level 40 as fast as possible as the good Drive Disk sets only start appearing then.
  • No need to force yourself to activate the 4-set bonuses on your Disk Drives in early game. You can instead go for two 2-set bonuses as it will be a lot easier to get while still providing a good amount of damage increase.
  • Don't upgrade every Drive Disk you get. The materials needed to do that are pretty limited and once you use them up.
  • Do not level lower than
    A Rank
    A-Rank Drive Disks as they will become obsolete really fast.
  • Save the lower tier tuners since they can be converted and used for obtaining Drive Disks in the music shop.

To learn more about the Drive Disks, check our other guides:


  • Stronger enemies have a stagger meter, they will become immobilized if you deplete this meter.
  • If you dodge at the last moment of an attack, you’ll activate Extreme Evasion - slowing time for a moment and activating a counter attack.
  • Try to charge up you EX Special Skill before using them so they get their max output possible for damage.
  • Make sure to watch which moves you should parry - sometimes the bosses chain multiple attacks into one sequence and those are the best ones to parry.
  • Make sure to use your Ultimate skill as soon as its up. There isn't any specific reason to keep it unused since it does a solid amount of damage on top of stagger.
  • Once you stagger the enemy, a chain attack will be available. Make sure to use the Bangboo before your other units! Bangboos are available only at the start of the chain.
  • Parry charges are limited, so keep an eye out at your charges or you might get a heavy blow which can mess up a run!

To help you better understand the Dodge and Parry mechanics, you should watch this great video:


For more tips and tricks for the game, check the videos below!