To learn about the game systems, characters and more, check our beginner guide first that can be found linked below. In this guide we will instead focus on pure tips and tricks that may be hard to understand if you don't know how the game works.

- Focus on the Main Story first and only start roaming around when you're forced to level up to unlock the next Main Story mission.
- Explore the world. Exploration in this game is pretty rewarding as each area has tons of Treasures, special enemies, puzzles and quests hidden - for completing them you will not only get experience, but also Astrites, Tuners and various Materials.
- Do your exploration quests as they can affect the environment and make your exploration a lot more easier.
- Do not forget to visit NPCs such as Pioneer Association, Souvenir Shop, and Relic Merchant after exploration sessions to get even more resources.

- Synthesizer allows you to both craft healing/revival items and lets you combine lower grade mats for their higher grade counterparts.
- You can buy weekly mats from the Weapon Franchise and there is a panel that allows you to craft purple weapons right behind him.
- Visit the grocery store to get the necessary items for cooking (you can also collect some of them in the overworld) and make yourself some delicious food that will buff your characters for a certain amount of time.
- Farming the ores in the overworld as you see them will come quite useful as you’ll need those to craft 4 star weapons.
- Do your Battle Pass Daily and Weekly missions - the free path rewards available there are actually decent.
- There's a set of weekly rewards you can obtain in Depths of Illusive Realm, so make sure to do enough runs to get them all.
- Traveling to a main fast-travel point (there is 1 for each area) will resurrect and fully heal your team, so save your healing items for when you don't have access to that.
- Always do your dailies as they provide a huge amount of Union Exp for your account.
Leveling and Waveplate usage

- Don't let your Waveplate (stamina) overcap. 240 Waveplate is the maximum amount you can store and regenerate over 24h,
- Decide on what your main team is going to be as early as possible to avoid wasting resources and to be able to better focus on targeted echo farming.
- You ideally want to have a main dps, a off-dps, and a support in a team. Main characters want to be active on the field a lot more than other characters so putting 3 of them in a team will be more of a hindrance.
- Do not level more than 3 main dps characters as 3 are enough to clear Tower of Adversity in late game.
- Try to avoid using your Waveplates in Simulation Training at the start as you’ll get enough materials to upgrade your Resonators and Weapons through story rewards and exploration.
- Use your Waveplates on Overworld bosses instead, they provide you with ascension materials you’ll need. Overworld bosses will respawn 3 minutes after being killed, so if you want to farm the same one over and over just wait a couple minutes for it to respawn.
- In early game level your main dps to the max level they can be, and the remaining characters in your main team can stay 10 levels below to save on resources.
- Do not invest in 3 star weapons too much as they are just placeholders until you get 4 and 5 star weapons.
- Do not forget to do your weekly boss, and check which one you have to do depending on what Resonator you want to upgrade.

- Focus on getting your Data Bank level to level 15 as fast as possible as the Echo system is mainly locked behind it. The best way to do this is to just kill every enemy you come across.
- You can Track the Echoes you need the Data Bank experience from in Echo Gallery.
- There are unmarked mini bosses throughout the world that will give you a guaranteed purple or yellow rarity Echo, which will provide a huge amount of data bank experience. These enemies glow red and they do respawn after some time, but it's different for each of them,
- You can farm echoes in friends worlds to make it a lot more efficient.
- No need to force yourself to activate the 5-set bonuses on your Echoes in early game, you can instead go for two 2-set bonuses as it will be a lot easier to get while still providing a good amount of damage increase.
- Don't upgrade every Echo you find. The materials needed to do that are pretty limited and once you use it up.
- Do not level green or blue Echoes as they will become obsolete really fast.
- Do not go beyond +10/+15 with your purple and yellow Echoes in early game as it becomes exponentially more expensive to max out after that point.
- You can freely use your low rarity Tuners since they cannot be used on yellow echoes.
- Use the training mode available in your Resonator screen to learn how to properly use them.
- Do not skip combat tutorials as they teach you core mechanics that will be crucial for harder enemies.
- Wait for your Concerto skill to fill up before switching as it will provide you with buffs and extra damage.
- Stronger enemies have a stagger meter, they will become immobilized if you deplete this meter.
- If you dodge at the last moment of an attack, you’ll activate Extreme Evasion - slowing time for a moment.
- Try to choose the best active Echo for you; you can activate a special attack determined by the active Echo you have chosen, try and choose what you think is the best for your playstyle.
- Spam Echo ability! Echo abilities do not consume any resource other than their cooldown so don't be shy to use them as much as possible.
For more tips, check the videos below!