Solo Leveling: Arise Weapon Tier List

The tier list rates Sung Jingwoo weapons based on their performance across all PVE content - it tries to average how they perform against bosses and in normal stages.

Special markers:

  • SSR Weapons that have A? shown in the top right corner of their icons, it shows the suggested Ascension level for that weapon to be considered the tier we placed them in - if you have less dupes than indicated, you can drop them down a tier. If there's no special indicator, then the weapon is rated at A0 so with 0 dupes.

  • SS - The weapons in the SS Tier are revered for their undeniable power and versatility. These weapons are not only flexible but can also serve as the cornerstone of your account, no matter the fight. With the introduction of Guild Boss mode, the importance of weapons that can support the entire team through powerful buffs or debuffs has significantly increased. Among these, Moonshadow stands out, arguably the strongest weapon in the game overall. Its ability to buff all team members at A5 makes it a crucial asset, especially for boosting your Guild Boss and PoD scores. Given its immense value, it's advisable to keep Moonshadow in your rate-up to achieve that highly coveted power spike. However, it’s currently rated at A3, with a $ tag denoting its value.
  • S+ - Weapons in the S+ Tier are top-tier when it comes to DPS within their respective elements. They offer incredible value and should be seriously considered when curating your wishlist. West Wind remains a phenomenal weapon for progression, but it has been slightly downgraded when factoring in Guild Boss considerations. The Truth: Demon Light Spear is a notable mention based on its expected performance and since it can be obtained for free from the Guild Store, we will be rating it at an A5 requirement, similar to other free weapons in the list. Depending on the level of your Radiru Bow, it can serve as a viable replacement until you secure a few dupes of the Demon Light Spear.
  • S - Weapons in the S Tier are strong options within their respective elements, but they possess certain flaws that prevent them from reaching the highest tier. With recent changes to the S+ rank, several popular weapons, including Scythe, Radiru Bow, and Orb of Avarice, have been reclassified into this tier. Typically, SSR weapons will fall into this ranking, especially freebies, unless they prove to be slightly underwhelming compared to other general-use options.
  • A - strong weapons that perform well that still have place in the meta, but require a bit more work to shine.
  • B - average weapons that have big flaws and only work as some niche replacements when you don't have anything else.
  • C - below average weapons that are struggling to find their place in the meta.
  • D - underwhelming weapons that aren't worth using.

  • Added new weapons and updated old weapons ratings.
  • Added new weapons and updated old weapons ratings.
  • Demon King Longsword: S to S+
  • West Wind: S+ to S
  • Demon King Daggers: Added to S+ (A3)

Comments to the changes: After some testing, we can say that West Wind is no longer the Wind king, but remains solid enough for people that didn't invest early in the Demon King Longsword. At A3, both the Longsword and the Daggers outperform the West Wind with no need for stacking and potentially losing out damage. The Dagger, when maxed at A5, should output more consistent damage but has to land the skill - this could become a bit of an issue on mobile, where the game is not as responsive. Meanwhile, the Longsword is very easy to use, but keep in mind you will need to properly counter to get the most out of the weapon, so depending on the fight you may find one weapon works best compared to the other. As there's no clear 'winner', we decided to rank both of them in the same spot.


Revamped the tier list by introducing new tiers.


We have added the Secured Marlin Surfboard to the tier list.


We have added the Phoenix Soul and fully updated the tier list.

  • We have updated the tier list after further testing the buffed weapons,
  • [Shadow Scythe] from S to S+. We undervalued the power of Schyte, especially for newer players considering how impactful getting a guaranteed dupe is. It's a strong weapon that can be slot in many setups, so we feel it deserved the overall bump.
  • [Vulcan's Rage] from A to S. The latest buff made the weapon VERY good, especially if you can get one dupe in it. At A0 it's still very serviceable.
  • [West Wind]. Despite the nerf, West Wind remains one of the best weapons in the game even at A3 (the threshold we are evaluating SR weapons) and remains insane at A5 for the powerful crit abuse.
  • [Demon King Greatsword] The weapon received another powerful buff. We are monitoring the weapon's performance closely, as we feel the weapon is very close to the S+ tier now.
  • [Skadi] As mentioned, the weapon is a very powerful addition to Water setups. A decent part of his power is gated behind dupes, and at A0 it's less universal compared to Thethis Grimoire. The same logic applies to Moonshadow - that however only needs A1 to jump to S+ no question asked.
  • Added [Skadi] to the tier list.
  • We managed to test Skadi a bit and while the weapon's damage output is undeniable - especially if you can get a few copies of it for the advancement bonuses - we feel the overall value is a bit below the Book of Thethis, considering it's universally useful and pairs with almost every weapon. Skadi remains an amazing second weapon to pair with book, similar to Moonshadow for the Dark element.

Initial release of the tier list.

Tier List (PVE)

You're currently viewing the PVE tier list. It shows how the weapons performs in Story in both boss oriented and generic content.

Demon King's Daggers
Demon King's DaggersA3
Demonic Plum Flower Sword
Demonic Plum Flower SwordA3
Thethis' Grimoire
Thethis' GrimoireA3
Demon King’s Longsword
Demon King’s LongswordA3
Divine Quarterstaff
Divine QuarterstaffA3
Fan of the Fire Demon
Fan of the Fire DemonA3
Phoenix Soul
Phoenix SoulA3
Zeke's Fragment
Zeke's FragmentA1
Gold-tailed Fox
Gold-tailed FoxA5
Juicy Grilled Skewer
Juicy Grilled SkewerA5
Orb of Avarice
Orb of Avarice
Radiru Family's Longbow
Radiru Family's Longbow
Shadow Scythe
Shadow ScytheA1
The Huntsman
The HuntsmanA1
Truth: Demon Knight's Spear
Truth: Demon Knight's SpearA5
Truth: Kasaka's Venom Fang
Truth: Kasaka's Venom FangA5
Vulcan's Rage
Vulcan's RageA1
West Wind
West WindA3
Burning Demon's Grimoire
Burning Demon's Grimoire
Demon Knight's Spear
Demon Knight's Spear
Naga Guardian Dragon's Trident
Naga Guardian Dragon's Trident
Secured Marlin Surfboard
Secured Marlin SurfboardA5
Spooky Pumpkin
Spooky PumpkinA5
Baruka's Dagger
Baruka's Dagger
Frostbite Falchion
Frostbite Falchion
Kasaka's Venom Fang
Kasaka's Venom Fang
Knight Killer
Knight Killer
Lustrous Dragon Sword
Lustrous Dragon Sword
Black Hawk
Black Hawk
Dragonscale Broadsword
Dragonscale Broadsword
Orc's Broadsword
Orc's Broadsword
Arachnid's Hand Crossbow
Arachnid's Hand Crossbow
Grave Keeper's Scythe
Grave Keeper's Scythe
Ice Elf's Bow
Ice Elf's Bow
Kim Sangshik's Sword
Kim Sangshik's Sword
Knight's Sword
Knight's Sword
Lizard Glaive
Lizard Glaive
Lycan Slayer
Lycan Slayer
Razan's Blade
Razan's Blade
Rock Golem Hammer
Rock Golem Hammer
Sandstorm Cube
Sandstorm Cube