To learn more about Park Beom-Shik check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Park Beom-Shik profile has been last updated at: October 3rd, 2024.
To learn more about Park Beom-Shik check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Build info
Park Beom-Shik Passive
When Spinning Strike!, Downward Strike!, or Charge Attack! are used, applies the [Father of Two] effect. If the user's HP is 30% or less, applies the [Father's Determination] effect.
[Father of Two]
Increases the user's Defense by 4%
(stacking up to 10 times).
Duration: 30 seconds.
[Father's Determination]
Spinning Strike! can be used infinitely.
Applies the [Super Armor] effect.
Increases the user's Attack Speed by 8%.
Increases the user's Defense by 8%.
Duration: 4 seconds (activates only one time).
Park Beom-Shik Advancement passives
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Damage dealt to targets with HP lower than the user’s increases by 15%.
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Increases the user’s Defense by 6%.
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Enhances the Downward Strike! skill. Decreases the user’s charge time by 30%, increases the skill range by 30% and also increases the user’s damage by 60%.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧
The user’s HP increases by 10%.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
When Another Worldline is used, applies the [Father’s Determination] effect.
Increases the user's Defense by 2/8%.
When [Father's Determination] activates, additionally applies a [Shield] equal to 2/8% of the user's Defense.
Park Beom-Shik images aren't available yet. They will be added soon.
Park Beom-Shik’s basic skill range is not bad, and while his HP is low, he can do some decent damage. The multiple airbornes and the knockdown he can apply are alright, but nothing to call home about. His charge time on his skill can be considered dangerous without great return. He is not a completely useless unit, but shouldn’t be your first pick.
Park Beom-Shik pros & cons aren't available yet. They will be added when the character is released.
Park Beom-Shik review isn't available yet. It will be added as soon as possible!
Park Beom-Shik rating takes into account their performance in all matter of PVE content.
Build info
Park Beom-Shik can be equipped with the Burning Curse set that you can obtain from the Workshop of Brilliant Light. As a Damage Dealer, Park Beom-Shik can make use of the set and in most cases, it will perform better than the normal sets (2 piece is minimum, but you want all 8).
Those are the stats you should focus on when building Park Beom-Shik. So search for them on your sub-stats as a priority.
Critical Hit Damage
For SSR characters, you always want to use their Signature/EX Weapon - they are simply the best for them. Until you obtain the signature weapon, just use the options listed below. The priority is set from left to right. Also, If you have a Signature/EX weapon for a Hunter that is not in your team you can consider using it for the raw stats alone - as long as it matches the character.
Park Beom-Shik guide videos aren't available yet.
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