Solo Leveling: AriseBaek YoonhoInformation and Guide


Baek Yoonho is a SSR rarity character in Solo Leveling: Arise. Baek Yoonho belongs to the
Tank class and uses the
Light element.

To learn more about Baek Yoonho check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

Last updated

Baek Yoonho profile has been last updated at: October 3rd, 2024.

To learn more about Baek Yoonho check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.



Build info



Baek Yoonho Passive

The [White Flames] effect is applied to the last hit of all skills, excluding Basic Attacks.

  • [White Flames]

    • When the effect reaches 3 stacks, it activates [Violent Explosion], dealing damage equal to 400% of the user's Defense and applying [Defense Decrease] to the target.

    • Duration: Infinite

  • [Defense Decrease]

    • Decreases Defense by 20%.

    • Duration: 12 second(s)


Baek Yoonho Advancement passives

✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧

Increases the damage of White Flame Gale Kick by 150%.

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Increases the user's Break effectiveness by 20%.

✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧

When the user uses Damnation or White Flame Gale Kick, applies the [Unlock White Flames] effect. [Unlock White Flames] Increases the user's Light damage by 40%. Duration: 15 seconds.

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧

Increases the user's Critical Hit rate by 16%.

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

When the user enters the stage, recovers Power Gauge by 100% and increases the damage of Violent Explosion by 100%.

EX Weapon
EX Weapon

Suppressed White Tiger's Soul

Increases the user's Light damage by 4/12%.

When attacking targets with the [White Flames] effect, increases the user's Defense by 5/20% for 20 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds)

Stats (level max)

Baek Yoonho skills aren't available yet. They will be added soon.


Baek Yoonho images aren't available yet. They will be added soon.



Baek Yoonho currently stands out as one of the best Breakers in the game. For any boss requiring Break damage, he is an optimal choice. His entire skill set, from basic attacks to his support skills, inflicts Break damage. Additionally, Baek's abilities scale with his defense, making him resilient and challenging to take down while maintaining impressive damage output due to his swift Break capabilities. Overall he is truly a jack of all trades. Not only does he excel in dealing damage and Breaking enemies, but his survivability is also notable. His Passive Ability further enhances his utility by decreasing the defense of enemies, turning him into a valuable debuffer as well.

Pros & Cons

  • Amazing Break.

  • Defense shred on demand.

  • Naturally tanky.

  • Can be played off element.

  • No investment needed.


  • Long skill animations, easy to miss.

  • Defense shred has short uptime.

  • Not the best return on investment.

  • Once you go Baek, you never go back.


Baek is a straightforward, "what you see is what you get" kind of character. His kit is simple and efficient, and as of now he's the best pure Breaker among all the options, with very high bursts of Break damage that will make him competitive not only in general content but also in speedrunning content.

His passive ability, the [White Flames] is a stackable debuff applied on every last hit of his skills except his Basic Attacks (Core Attacks DO apply [White Flames]). Once 3 stacks are applied to an enemy, a [Violent Explosion] is triggered, dealing damage and decreasing the enemy's Defense by 20% for 12seconds. The Support skill and the Ultimate directly trigger the explosion.

The rest of his skills do not feature any noteworthy effects, although all of them inflict Break damage, ranging from weak for his basic attacks and core attacks to medium and heavy for his other skills (Ultimate excluded).

Baek's advancements follow the traditional breaker archetype, with a mix of extra break and upgrades to his personal damage. At A3, Baek gains access to a personal Light damage buff, [Unlock White Flames], which improves all of his Light damage by 40% for 15 seconds. At A5, his ultimate becomes ready upon entering the stage and his [Violent Explosions] all double in damage, putting emphasis on his innate burst potential.

His personal weapon, the Suppressed White Tiger's Soul, offers him a selfish defense buff for 20 seconds whenever he attacks an enemy affected by a stack of his passive, on top of increased Light damage at all times. While the weapon brings powerful self-damage buffs, it is not a priority since Baek is not a primary damage dealer. It is advisable to focus on other Light characters first when building your Light team.

Speaking of Light team, Baek fits perfectly with the Cha Hae-In/Min Byung-Gu duo and serves as primary breaker in that team. Baek is one of the few breakers that can be played off-element, as his break damage and defense reduction are just that powerful in Hunter only stages.

Keep in mind however that most breakers will be able to equal, and even surpass him if they are equipped with the Burning Greed set or the Solid Analysis set when hitting their elemental advantage. As for all breakers, these two sets are also the best options for Baek. Aim for an 8 piece Greed set, or 4 piece Solid Analysis + 4 piece Greed as a budget option. It is not advised to sacrifice break potential in exchange for more damage, so avoid damage sets unless you don't need the extra break and a need to reach a certain damage breakpoint for speedrunning for example.

Should you pull for Baek?

While Baek is a powerful unit, he is not mandatory in any content at the time of writing this review. The only place where Baek is currently competitive is for speedrunning in the various Battlefield of Time game modes. He could however become more relevant depending on the elements of the new content scheduled to be released soon, namely in Guild Raids and potentially in the newer, harder levels of the Demon's Castle that would act as the follow up to the Workshop of Brilliant Light. As a permanent inclusion to the custom banner there is no hurry to pull for him for the time being, considering light has two of the most useful SR Breakers in the game, one being free.


Baek is one of the few Breakers that works well at A0. His Break damage is innately high, and his defense debuff is readily available at base advancement.

  • For F2P players, A0 is sufficient, allowing you to focus on other, more demanding hunters or weapons.

  • For Dolphins , A2 will maximize his Break Potential and make him viable for speed running as a dedicated breaker.

  • For Whales, If you aim to make the most out of Baek in speed running content, A5 can be considered, but it won't be as impactful since time doesn't stop during ultimate animations. Therefore, focus on the rest of your setup before maxing out Baek.


Baek Yoonho rating takes into account their performance in all matter of PVE content.



Build info

Burning Series Sets
Burning Greed
Burning Greed

Baek Yoonho can be equipped with the Burning Greed set that you can obtain from the Workshop of Brilliant Light. As a Breaker, Baek Yoonho can make use of the set and in most cases, it will perform better than the normal sets (4 piece is minimum, but you want all 8).

Artifact Sets
Armor Set

Increases [Break] effectiveness by 15%.
When attacking enemies that have elemental weakness, the [Break] effect increases by 30%.

Your Critical Hit Rate increases by 8%.
Your Critical Hit Damage increases by 32%.
Jewelry Set

When attacking enemies with 40% or less HP, increases the user's damage dealt by 30%.
HP condition changes to 70% and Damage Increase effect increases to 60%.

Increases Skill MP Consumption Rate by 20%, but increases damage dealt by 5% and decreases Basic Skill Cooldown by 5%.
Increases Damage Increase effect to 18% and Cooldown Reduction effect of Basic Skills to 18%.
Artifact Main Stats
Artifact Helmet
Def Flat
Artifact Body
Def Flat
Artifact Gloves
Atk Flat
Artifact Shoes
Crit Damage/Def %
Artifact Bracelet
Light Damage %
Artifact Ring
Def Flat
Artifact Neck
HP Flat
Stat focus

Those are the stats you should focus on when building Baek Yoonho. So search for them on your sub-stats as a priority.

  • Defense

  • Light Damage

  • Critical Hit Rate

Best Weapons

For SSR characters, you always want to use their Signature/EX Weapon - they are simply the best for them. Until you obtain the signature weapon, just use the options listed below. The priority is set from left to right. Also, If you have a Signature/EX weapon for a Hunter that is not in your team you can consider using it for the raw stats alone - as long as it matches the character.

Steel Axe
Steel Axe
Steel Dagger
Steel Dagger
Video guides

Baek Yoonho guide videos aren't available yet.