[Blade Lineage Salsu] Outis [Blade Lineage Mentor] Meursault [Blade Lineage Salsu] Don Quixote [Blade Lineage Salsu] Faust [Blade Lineage Salsu] Sinclair [Blade Lineage Salsu] Yi Sang [Molar Boatworks Fixer] Sinclair [Cinq Assoc. East Section 3] Don Quixote [Cinq Assoc. West Section 3] Meursault [Cinq South Section 4 Director] Sinclair [Cinq South Section 4] Outis [Cinq Association South Section 5 Director] Don Quixote [Dawn Office Fixer] Sinclair [Dead Rabbits Boss] Meursault [Devyat' Assoc. North Section 3] Rodion [Devyat Assoc. North Section 3] Sinclair [Dieci Assoc. South Section 4 Director] Meursault [Dieci Assoc. South Section 4] Hong Lu [Dieci Assoc. South Section 4] Yi Sang [Dieci Assoc. South Section 4] Rodion [District 20 Yurodivy] Hong Lu [District 20 Yurodivy] Ryoshu [Edgar Family Butler] Ishmael [Edgar Family Chief Butler] Ryoshu [Edgar Family Heir] Gregor [Effloresced E.G.O::Spicebush] Yi Sang [Fanghunt Office Fixer] Hong Lu [Firefist Office Survivor] Gregor [Full-Stop Office Fixer] Heathcliff [Full-Stop Office Rep] Hong Lu [G Corp. Head Manager] Outis [G Corp. Manager Corporal] Gregor [Heishou Pack - Mao Branch] Outis [Heishou Pack - Mao Branch] Ryoshu [Hook Office Fixer] Hong Lu [K Corp. Class 3 Excision Staff] Hong Lu [Kurokumo Clan Captain] Gregor [Kurokumo Clan Captain] Ishmael [Kurokumo Clan Wakashu] Heathcliff [Kurokumo Clan Wakashu] Hong Lu [Kurokumo Clan Wakashu] Rodion [Kurokumo Clan Wakashu] Ryoshu [LCCB Assistant Manager] Ishmael [LCCB Assistant Manager] Rodion [LCCB Assistant Manager] Ryoshu [LCE E.G.O::Ardor Blossom Star] Faust [LCE E.G.O::Lantern] Yi Sang [Liu Assoc. South Section 4 Director] Rodion [Liu Assoc. South Section 4] Ryoshu [Liu Association South Section 3] Yi Sang [Liu Association South Section 5] Hong Lu [Liu Assoc. South Section 6] Gregor [Liu Association South Section 6] Meursault [Liu Assoc. South Section 4] Ishmael [Lobotomy Corp. Remnant] Faust [Lobotomy E.G.O::Lantern] Don Quixote [Lobotomy E.G.O::Magic Bullet] Outis [Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence] Ryoshu [Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Sheet] Sinclair [Lobotomy E.G.O::Regret] Faust [Lobotomy E.G.O::Sloshing] Ishmael [Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament] Yi Sang [Lobotomy E.G.O::Sunshower] Heathcliff [Los Mariachis Jefe] Sinclair [Molar Office Fixer] Outis [Molar Office Fixer] Yi Sang [MultiCrack Office Fixer] Heathcliff [MultiCrack Office Rep] Faust [N Corp. Groẞhammer] Meursault [N Corp. Kleinhammer] Heathcliff [N Corp. Mittelhammer] Don Quixote [N Corp. Mittelhammer] Rodion [Öufi Assoc. South Section 3] Heathcliff [R.B. Chef de Cuisine] Ryoshu [R Corp. 4th Pack Rabbit] Heathcliff [R Corp. 4th Pack Reindeer] Ishmael [R Corp. 4th Pack Rhino] Meursault [Rosespanner Workshop Fixer] Gregor [Rosespanner Workshop Fixer] Meursault [Rosespanner Workshop Rep.] Rodion [Seven Assoc. South Section 6 Director] Outis [Seven Association South Section 6] Ryoshu [Seven Association South Section 6] Yi Sang [Seven Assoc. South Section 4] Faust [Seven Assoc. South Section 4] Heathcliff [Shi Association South Section 5 Director] Don Quixote [Shi Association South Section 5] Heathcliff [Shi Association South Section 5] Ishmael [T Corp. Class 2 Collection Staff] Rodion [T Corp. Class 3 Collection Staff] Don Quixote [The Barber of La Manchaland] Outis [The Manager of La Manchaland] Don Quixote [The Middle Little Brother] Meursault [The Middle Little Sister] Don Quixote [The One Who Grips] Faust [The One Who Shall Grip] Sinclair [The Pequod Captain] Ishmael [The Pequod First Mate] Yi Sang [The Pequod Harpooner] Heathcliff [The Priest of La Manchaland] Gregor [The Princess of La Manchaland] Rodion [The Ring Pointillist Student] Outis [The Ring Pointillist Student] Yi Sang [Tingtang Gang Gangleader] Hong Lu [Molar Boatworks Fixer] Ishmael [Twinhook Pirates First Mate] Gregor [W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent] Faust [W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent] Hong Lu [W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent] Meursault [W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent] Don Quixote [W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent] Ryoshu [W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent] Yi Sang [W Corp. L3 Cleanup Captain] Outis [Wuthering Heights Butler] Faust [Wuthering Heights Chief Butler] Outis [Zwei. Assoc. West Section 3] Ishmael [Zwei Assoc. West Section 3] Sinclair [Zwei Association South Section 4] Faust [Zwei Association South Section 4] Gregor [Zwei Association South Section 6] Sinclair [Zwei Assoc. South Section 5] Rodion