Zwei Knight's Greatsword Form
Attack Type: Blunt
Skill Power: 3
No. of Coins: 2
Coin Power: 4
Offense Level: 50
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Gain +3 Aggro to this Skill Slot next turn
[On Use] Gain 1 Defense Level Up for every 2 Tremor Count on self (max 3)
[On Use] Base Power +1 for every 4 Defense Level Up (max 2)
Can't Let You Through.
Attack Type: Blunt
Skill Power: 4
No. of Coins: 3
Coin Power: 4
Offense Level: 51
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Gain +5 Aggro to this Skill Slot next turn
[On Use] Gain 1 Defense Level Up for every 2 Tremor Count on self (max 5)
[On Use] At 4+ Defense Level Up, Coin Power +1
[Clash Win] Gain +3 Tremor Count
Attack Type: Blunt
Skill Power: 5
No. of Coins: 3
Coin Power: 4
Offense Level: 52
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Gain 1 Defense Level Up for every 2 Tremor Count on self (max 5)
[On Use] If this unit is in Defensive Stance, deal +70% more damage
[On Use] Coin Power +1 for every 4 Defense Level Up on self (max 4)
[On Use] Gain +10 Aggro to this Skill Slot next turn
[Clash Win] Gain +3 Tremor Count
Your Shield
Attack Type: -
Skill Power: 3
No. of Coins: 1
Coin Power: 12
Offense Level: 55
Atk Weight: 1
Clashable Guard
[Combat Start] Gain 2 Defensive Stance. (once per turn)
[On Use] Gain +10 Tremor Count (once per turn)
[Clash Win] Trigger Tremor Burst
Shock-nullifying Greatsword
x5 Pride [Owned]
At Combat Start, gain Defense Level Up equal to Tremor Count on self (max 5) - If this unit is in Defensive Stance, double the amount of Defense Level Up gained from the above effect.
Emergency Protection
x3 Pride [Owned]
At Combat Start, compare each Identity's current HP to their HP at the start of the previous turn. Then, apply 2 Defense Level Up to the Identity with the greatest disparity of HP values between turns.
Zwei Association West Section 3 Ishmael, in short Zwei West Ishmael, introduces herself as the new gold standard for Tanks that not only can soak damage but also dish it out as well.
She utilizes Defense Level Up for both her tanking capabilities and as skill conditionals, but what sets her apart from the rest of Tanks is the sheer pace at which she generates Defense Level Up. Let’s start diving into her kit with ID’s unique mechanic & Defensive Skill.
Her Defense Skill is a Clashable Guard with an unbreakable Coin (thus even if you lose a Clash, it will still activate). Clashable Guard (or Power Guard for short) raise a target’s Stagger Threshold by the user’s final Clash Power when it wins a Clash and when it loses a Clash, the attacker’s final Skill Power is reduced by the user's Final Power instead. It does not benefit from the Resonance nor Level difference between the opposing skills As a guard, this skill’s power can only be raised by increasing Ishmael’s Defense but she herself has no issues gaining Defense Level Up to increase Guard’s power. Using her Power Guard gives her 10 Tremor Count, but also activates Defensive Stance which provides the following benefits:
Fixes her Speed to its minimum value.
Gains 5 Defense Level Up.
Gain Aggro on all of her Skill Slots by 10 divided by the number of slots she has.
Triggers Tremor Burst on all skills on Clash Win without consuming Tremor Count.
Cannot be Staggered by damage
Can redirect any enemy’s attacks regardless of Speed.
Now we can finally move to her skills
Skill 1, Zwei Knight’s Greatsword Form – 2 Coin Skill, Base Roll – 11, Conditionals Met – 13. Inflicts 2 Tremor Count on an enemy (her only skill to inflict Tremor Count). Grants up to 3 Defense Level Up this turn and 4 Defense Level Up next turn for every 2 Tremor Count on self.
Skill 2 - Can’t Let You Through – 3 Coin Skill, Base Roll – 16, Conditionals Met – 19. Inflicts up to 8 Tremor Potency. The third Coin inflicts Tremor Potency equal to self Tremor Count/2 - maxing out at 4. Grants up to 3 Defense Level Up this turn and 4 Defense Level Up next turn for every 2 Tremor Count on self.
Skill 3 - Ward – 3 Coin Skill, Base Roll – 17, Conditionals Met – 29. Gains +1 Coin Power for every 4 Defense Level Up on self. Inflicts 2 Tremor Potency on 1st and 2nd Coin each. Consumes all self Tremor Count to inflict up to 20 Tremor Potency on target with its last Coin. Deals up to 50% additional damage based on excess Tremor multiplied by 5 and Burst Tremor. If in Defensive Stance, the skill will deal 70% additional damage and Burst Tremor again on Third Coin.
Zwei West Ishmael is an ID that excels in long battles thanks to her Tremor Count gain being off the charts. Her Tremor Infliction is great but requires a bit of set-up to use, that is, using her Defense Skill at least 2 times to reach the maximum amount of Tremor inflicted by her Skill 3. Regardless, her utility and tanking capabilities are off the charts, her S3 holds the potential to roll extremely high, and her Clashable Guard can trigger Tremor Burst without consuming Tremor Count and raise Stagger Threshold - making her an insane pick if the enemy has Tremor Reverb. And let us not forget how beastly her Defensive Stance is in itself!
In conclusion, Zwei West Ishmael is the ideal Tank, should you ever need one, or if you are looking for an alternative to LCCB Ishmael for long-term fights for your Tremor team. Her Clashes and damage are both excellent, she can redirect and tank attacks with ease, and her Speed being fixed to 4 helps a ton when bursting Tremor after you have Tremor Entanglement set up. Lastly, her Power Guard can roll really high, denying most attacks from the enemy by winning Clashes.
Consistent and Reliable Tankiness.
Defensive Stance makes her even more consistent.
Great Damage (primarily on Skill 3), Tremor Infliction, and Clashing numbers.
While it may not be that much of an issue, her Power Guard doesn’t do damage which is still a good trade-off.
Outside of her Power Guard, she doesn’t gain much Tremor Count from her other skills.
Requires you to use guard every few turns to reach her max potential
In this section we have listed best E.G.O.s, one per their rank for the Identity - starting with Zayin from left.
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