[W Corp. L3 Cleanup Captain] Outis

[W Corp. L3 Cleanup Captain] Outis






[W Corp. L3 Cleanup Captain] Outis is a 000 rarity Identity from the Sinner Outis that was added to the game on July 25th, 2024. To learn more about [W Corp. L3 Cleanup Captain] Outis check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - skills, affinities and more!





Affinity 1
Pride x3
Affinity 2
Envy x2
Affinity 3
Gloom x1
Skill 1



Attack Type: Blunt

Skill Power: 3

No. of Coins: 2

Coin Power: 4

Offense Level: 50

Atk Weight: 1

[On Use] At 4+ Charge Count, Base Power +1

[On Use] Clash Power +1 for every 5 Charge Count on self (max 2)

[On Use] Gain +2 Charge Count

2 [On Hit] Gain +2 Charge Count
Skill 2

Charged Leap


Attack Type: Blunt

Skill Power: 5

No. of Coins: 2

Coin Power: 6

Offense Level: 50

Atk Weight: 1

[On Use] Consume 6 Charge Count on self to gain Coin Power +1

- If this unit consumed Charge Count, apply (Charge + 2) Charge Barrier to self and 2 other allies with the least Charge Count. (Max 8 Charge Barrier per ally. Activates 2 times per turn max)

[On Use] Gain +2 Charge Count

1 [On Hit] Gain +2 Charge Count
2 [On Hit] Gain +2 Charge Count
[On Hit] Inflict 1 Bind next turn
[On Hit] If this Skill consumed Charge Count on use, inflict 2 Bind next turn
Skill 3

Rip Dimension


Attack Type: Slash

Skill Power: 4

No. of Coins: 4

Coin Power: 3

Offense Level: 50

Atk Weight: 1

  • [Combat Start] To self and (highest Reson.) allies with Charge: apply Load equal to Charge on self (Max 5 other allies)

  • [On Use] At 2+ Charge, and 7~14 Charge Count, consume all Charge Count on self to gain Coin Power +2

  • [On Use] Consume 15 Charge Count to gain Coin Power +2

1 [On Hit] Inflict 1 Rupture
2 [On Hit] Inflict 1 Rupture
3 [On Hit] Inflict 1 Rupture
4 [On Hit] If this Skill consumed 15 Charge Count on use, inflict 3 Rupture
[On Hit] Gain (5 - Charge) Charge Count (Min 0)

Deploy Plasma


Attack Type: -

Skill Power: 10

No. of Coins: 1

Coin Power: 6

Offense Level: 50

Atk Weight: 1

[On Use] Base Power +1 for every Charge Count on self (max 10)

[On Use] Gain +2 Charge Count (3 times per turn)


Overcharge / Cleanup Order

x3 Envy [Owned]

Gain 1 Charge every time this unit consumes 10 cumulative Charge Count in this Encounter

Turn End: Apply 1 Clash Power Up next turn to (Charge) W Corp. employees, including this unit, in reverse Deployment order (max: 5 allies)



x4 Envy [Res]

1 ally who has the most Charge Count at Turn Start: deal +10% more damage with Skills that consumed 7+ Charge Count (once per turn)

Stats (At level 50)
Max HP
Speed Range
Slash RES
Pierce RES
Blunt RES



W Corp Outis is an ID that specializes in supporting the Charge gain of the W Corp IDs who struggle with gaining it, supporting their clash numbers, and enabling the big damage dealers of W Corp to deal even more damage. Unfortunately, however, she falls extremely flat in enabling bigger damage and supporting the clash numbers of the IDs who need it.

Firstly, let's go over the numbers of W Corp Outis' skills: Her S1 rolls up to 11, S2 rolls up to 17, and S3 rolls up to 16. Her S1 can go up to 14 in clash power, but 12 in base power, and her S3 can roll up to 24 overall.

W Corp Outis utilizes Charge differently in comparison to any other Charge ID, in which she gains Charge Potency for every 10 Charge Count that she spends through her skills, her S2 spending 6 Charge Count whenever it's used and S3 spending 7-15 Charge Count depending on how much Charge Count you have when using the skill. Charge Potency is effectively another number for W Outis, in her case it's how many allies are affected by her Passive, how much Charge Barrier she gives to other allies with her S2, and how much Load is given to allies with her S3.

Getting into the main utility of W Outis, Load is a mechanic she brings to the table. Units that have it deal +2.5% more damage with Attack Skills for every stack of Load the unit has IF said skill consumed Charge Count. Load has a max value of 6, so if that ally has 6 Load, they will be doing 15% more damage for the skill that consumed Charge Count. However, if that unit is a W Corp. employee, Load will deal +5% more damage for every stack of Load instead, for a maximum of 30% more damage.

Where W Outis falters as support is that Load is a mechanic that doesn't do much in what it sets out to do, which makes the big damage dealers of W Corp deal more damage. To get its maximum amount of damage, W Outis must first spend 60 Charge Count, which is just a highly unreasonable to ask and is just straight up not possible to happen in most scenarios. Load also expires on Turn End, so you have to use the S3 nuke skills of other Charge units at the same time as W Outis using her S3, or else the whole game plan of W Outis will go to waste.

Additionally, as a support, W Outis is only good in a W Corp Team, not so much as a general Charge Team, as Load is just not a good buff at all for IDs who aren't in the W Corp faction for how long it takes for it to matter, and her passive only affects W Corp units. The only thing she'd support for a team that isn't comprised of W Corp IDs is just spreading around Charge Count with her S2.

W Outis is still really amazing for giving the Charge IDs who struggle with Charge gain more Charge, as her S2 spreads around Charge Barrier to allies with the least Charge Count, making it easier to reach their conditionals and help them contribute with their skills that consume Charge Count. She also gives 1 Clash Power Up next turn to W Corp employees equal to the amount of Charge Potency she has, in reverse Deployment order, although just 1 Clash Power Up does not do much in helping IDs such as W Faust and W Hong Lu,

Notable E.G.O. Synergies

Dimension Shredder: Dimension Shredder is a great ego to dump all of W Outis' Charge Count to gain Potency, and is also a great source of Load to enhance her S2 and S3, and also enables really good damage scaling on her S2 and S3 through it's passive. It also gives her +5 max Charge Count.

Pros & Cons

  • Great clashes

  • Amazing Charge Barrier Support


  • The Main Utility is extremely lacking

  • Charge Potency takes VERY LONG to stack

  • Extremely limited on the teams you can slot her into

Suggested EGO

In this section we have listed best E.G.O.s, one per their rank for the Identity - starting with Zayin from left.

[To Páthos Máthos] Outis
[To Páthos Máthos] Outis
[Ya Śūnyatā Tad Rūpam] Outis
[Ya Śūnyatā Tad Rūpam] Outis
[Dimension Shredder] Outis
[Dimension Shredder] Outis
[Binds] Outis
[Binds] Outis


Full design (tier 3)