Attack Type: Pierce
Skill Power: 3
No. of Coins: 2
Coin Power: 4
Offense Level: 50
Atk Weight: 1
If the target has 6+ Bleed, Clash Power +1 If the target has 10+ Bleed, Coin Power +1
Sanguine Painting
Attack Type: Pierce
Skill Power: 5
No. of Coins: 2
Coin Power: 4
Offense Level: 50
Atk Weight: 1
If the target has 6+ Bleed, Clash Power +2
Artwork Inspection
Attack Type: Pierce
Skill Power: 4
No. of Coins: 2
Coin Power: 6
Offense Level: 52
Atk Weight: 1
If the target has 6+ Bleed, Coin Power +1 Deal +12.5% more damage for every type of negative effect on the target (max 50%) [On Use] Apply 1 Haste next turn to 2 allies adjacent to this unit on the Dashboard
Attack Type: -
Skill Power: 4
No. of Coins: 1
Coin Power: 6
Offense Level: 51
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] If the target has 10+ Bleed, Coin Power +7
Multitude of Dots
x4 Lust [Owned]
Combat Start: Inflict 2 Potency of 1 of the following effects on 2 enemies with the least types of negative effects: Burn, Bleed, Rupture, Tremor, or Sinking. Effect selected at random. (In Focused Encounters, Parts)
Rough Sketch
x4 Lust [Owned]
1 ally with the least SP heals 4 SP when defeating an enemy with Bleed Heal 1 additional SP for every type of negative effect on the target. (max 4. 3 times per turn)
Welcome back Kurokumo Hong Lu!! This ID is quite literally Kurokumo Hong Lu but without all of his drawbacks and even better infliction.
This ID rolls on average 11/13/16 without conditionals, she benefits a lot from bleed so it's highly recommended that you inflict and maintain count so you can at the very least stack bleed on the enemy. With all of her conditional considered her skills become 14/15/18 which is all average numbers for a 2*. What makes her kit extremely strong and compariable to Kurokumo Hong Lu is her S2 ability, is that she can reuse her 2nd coin 2 times which allows her to deal 60 damage and inflict a total of 5 Bleed Count on the enemy. Any type of debuff counts for her reuse ability, for example Gaze, Nails, Bleed, Offense Level Down, Defense Level Down, etc, and she only needs 3 different debuffs to gurantee her S2's reroll. Her S3 is on the slouchier side, where it deals 43 damage if the enemy has a total of 4 debuffs on them. She gives 2 other allies haste next turn who are adjacent to her and if her attack staggers or kills an opponent, she buffs them with Pierce Damage Up, and also Pierce Power Up if the ally that was buffed was a member of The Ring. All and all, excellent ID for Bleed Teams and contributes directly to Ring Yi Sang who is arguably the strongest ID in the game at the moment. Her Combat Start effect applies 2 Potency for either Burn, Bleed, Tremor, Rupture, or Sinking onto 2 enemies, allowing for the reuse coin on Ring Yi Sang's S2 or herself to proc easier.
Notable E.G.O. Synergies Sunshower - Inflicts 3 Bind on the enemy next turn, which counts as a debuff. Holiday - Not only does it heal SP for all allies, and it's corrosion inflicts 2 Fragility onto the enemy, but the Passive makes Ring Outis' S3 inflict a random effect onto a random enemy or part 2 times.
Great bleed infliction
Extremely versatile into teams
Really good damage on S2
If Bleed Count cannot be maintained, all of her skills will clash terribly
Pretty much requires the team to inflict a lot of debuffs to truly shine
In this section we have listed best E.G.O.s, one per their rank for the Identity - starting with Zayin from left.
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