[The Priest of La Manchaland] Gregor

[The Priest of La Manchaland] Gregor






[The Priest of La Manchaland] Gregor is a 000 rarity Identity from the Sinner Gregor that was added to the game on October 31st, 2024. To learn more about [The Priest of La Manchaland] Gregor check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - skills, affinities and more!





Affinity 1
Gluttony x3
Affinity 2
Pride x2
Affinity 3
Lust x1
Skill 1

Sacrifice for the Family


Attack Type: Blunt

Skill Power: 3

No. of Coins: 2

Coin Power: 4

Offense Level: 51

Atk Weight: 1

[On Use] Gain +3 Aggro to this Skill Slot next turn

[On Use] Coin Power +1 for every 6 Bleed on the target (max 2)

[On Use] Gain 10 Bleed

- At 50%+ HP, gain additional 10 Bleed

1 [On Hit] Inflict 2 Bleed
2 [On Hit] Inflict 1 Rupture
[On Hit] Gain 3 Bloodied Hand
Skill 2

Suffocating Guilt


Attack Type: Blunt

Skill Power: 4

No. of Coins: 2

Coin Power: 6

Offense Level: 51

Atk Weight: 1

[On Use] Gain +3 Aggro to this Skill Slot next turn

[On Use] Coin Power +1 for every 6 Bleed on the target (max 2)

[On Use] Gain 10 Bleed

[On Use] At 5+ Ailing Heart, consume up to 60 Bloodfeast; then, gain 1 Bloodied Hand for every 6 Bloodfeast consumed

- At less than 5+ Ailing Heart, gain 10 Bleed and 3 Bloodied Hand

1 [On Hit] Inflict 2 Bleed Count
2 [On Hit] Inflict 1 Rupture
[On Hit] Gain 3 Bloodied Hand
Skill 3

The Unforgivable Sin


Attack Type: Blunt

Skill Power: 5

No. of Coins: 3

Coin Power: 4

Offense Level: 53

Atk Weight: 3

On Hit with this Skill: heal 50% of the HP damage dealt (max 100 per Skill)

[On Use] Deal +1.5% more damage for every 1% missing HP on self (max 90%)

[On Use] If the target has 6+ Bleed, Coin Power +1

[On Use] Consume every excess Stack of Bloodied Hand past 10 Stack to gain the following effects:

- Heal (Stacks consumed x 3) HP on self

- If this unit consumed 10+ Stack, Coin Power +1

- If this unit consumed 20+ Stack, Reuse the final Coin

[On Use] Gain 10 Bleed

[After Attack] Heal 10% HP on self

1 [On Hit] Gain 3 Bloodied Hand
2 [On Hit] Inflict +2 Bleed Count
[On Hit] Inflict +2 Rupture Count
3 [On Hit] Inflict 2 Bleed
[On Hit] Inflict 2 Rupture

Faded Patience


Attack Type: -

Skill Power: 15

No. of Coins: 1

Coin Power: 5

Offense Level: 55

Atk Weight: -

[Combat Start] At 40%+ HP, gain 5 Bleed and activate Bleed up to 3 times on self (once per turn; lose Bleed Count equal to the number of times it was activated)

[Combat Start] At less than 40% HP, consume up to 20 Bloodfeast and heal the same value as HP (once per turn)

[Combat Start] Gain 3 Ailing Heart (once per turn)



If this unit is on field, or is one of the units that can appear on this Stage, increase Bloodfeast value by the amount of Bleed damage collectively received by every unit. When this unit enters the field, the sleeping blood drenching the battlefield will surface.


Self-destructive Dedication

x5 Lust [Owned]

Turn End: heal (10 - Ailing Heart) SP for the ally with the least SP (excluding: self or allies that are Panicked or Corroded) In this Encounter, when this unit takes damage that brings their HP down to 0, nullify that damage; then, this unit's HP cannot drop below 1 for the turn. (once per Encounter)


Don Quixote Hardblood Arts 6: Whip

x3 Lust [Res]

1 ally with the lowest HP percentage heals 3 HP On Hit (3 times per turn)

- If the target hit by the said ally had Bleed, heal 3 additional HP

Stats (At level 50)
Max HP
Speed Range
Slash RES
Pierce RES
Blunt RES



Priest Gregor is a unique Tank in the game, that also serves as an excellent support for any ID that utilizes Bloodfeast in their kit. As of writing this review, he possesses the highest HP in the game. His primary gimmick is gaining Bleed while also healing back all of the damage gained from Bleed, which makes him a self-sustaining tank.

First, let us start with his unique mechanics before breaking down Priest Gregor’s skills. Priest Gregor utilizes both Bloodied Hand and Ailing Heart. Bloodied Hand has 3 stages

Here is a breakdown of what each stage of Bloodied Hand does:

  • At Stage 2 (10+ Bloodied Hand) - Gain 1 Offense Level Up for every 10 stacks of Bloodied Hand.

  • At Stage 3 (20+ Bloodied Hand) -  Gain 1 Offense Level Up for every 10 stacks of Bloodied Hand. On Hit with Base Skills, additionally inflict 1 Rupture and 1 Bleed.

His second unique mechanic is Ailing Heart. It is a permanent buff, which provides most of his tank and Healing capabilities. Its max value is 10 and it does different things upon meeting certain conditions:

  • At the end of a Turn, gain 1 Stack.

  • At the beginning of a Turn, gain 1 Defense Level Up for every 3 Stacks.

  • At 50% HP or lower, gain additional Defense Levels for every 3 Stacks.

  • At 40% HP or lower, when hitting an enemy with Base Skills, heal (Stack * 5)% of damage dealt On Hit as HP (rounded down, 30 HP max).

With all of the unique mechanics explained, let’s move on to Priest Gregor’s skills:

  • Skill 1, Sacrifice for the Family - 2 Coins - Base Roll - 11, Conditionals Fulfilled - 15. On Use, this skill gains +3 Aggro and 10 Bleed Potency. When at or above 50% HP, gain 25 Bleed Potency total. This skill also gains 3 Bloodied Hand on hit.

  • Skill 2, Suffocating Guilt - 2 Coins - Base Roll - 16, Conditionals Fulfilled - 20. On Use, this skill gains +3 Aggro and 10 Bleed Potency. If at 5+ Ailing Heart, consume up to 60 Bloodfeast and gain 1 Bloodied Hand for every 6 Bloodfeast consumed. Otherwise, gain an additional 10 Bleed Potency and 3 Bloodied Hand. This skill also gets 3 Bloodied Hand on hit.

  • Skill 3, The Unforgivable Sin - 3 Coins - Base Roll - 17, Conditionals Fulfilled - 23. This skill deals 1.5% more damage for every 1% missing HP on self, capping at 90% bonus damage. This skill will also consume all excess Stack of Bloodied Hand past 10 to gain the following effects:

    • Heal (Stacks consumed * 3) HP on self.

    • If this unit consumed 10+ stacks, Coin Power +1.

    • If this unit consumed 20+ stacks, Reuse the final Coin.

  • He also gains 10 Bleed Potency on use, gets 3 Bloodied Hand on hit, and heals 10% HP on self after the attack.

The Guard skill is also one of the most important aspects of Priest Gregor’s kit, as he gains 3 Ailing Heart on Combat Start. It’s also his best source of Bloodfeast, as at 40+ HP you’ll gain 5 Bleed Potency and activate Bleed up to 3 times on self, and lose Bleed Count on yourself equal to the number of times it was activated. At less than 40% HP, you can also consume up to 20 Bloodfeast to heal the same amount of Bloodfeast consumed as HP.

Finally, Priest Gregor’s Passive has the added benefits of not only healing SP for allies with the least SP, including himself, but it is also similar to Blade Lineage Meursault’s Passive where upon taking damage that brings their HP down to 0, that damage gets nullified and Priest Gregor’s HP cannot drop below 1 for the turn.

Going into the downsides of this ID, the Rupture aspect of Priest Gregor’s kit is extremely negligible, as he doesn’t necessarily inflict enough Rupture and Rupture Count for it to be very significant and noticeable when run in a Rupture team. Additionally, for Bleed Mirror Dungeon runs, the E.G.O. gifts that can amplify a skill’s Bleed Infliction can backfire (ex: Bloody mist, Smoke and wires), resulting in him gaining a lot more Bleed than he could heal which makes him a risk to run with those E.G.O. gifts.

In Conclusion, this ID is an extremely solid Tank with supporting capabilities to other Bloodfiend IDs combined with sustain that can counteract Bleed. Just be careful running this ID in Mirror Dungeon when doing a run involving Bleed, as he generates a lot of Bleed Potency and as a result can get himself killed.

E.G.O Synergy

Suddenly, One Day: Can act as another safety net if his health ever goes down to 25%

Pros & Cons

  • Solid clashing numbers.

  • Excellent Sustain and Tanking capabilities.

  • Very good support for Bloodfeast


  • The Rupture and Bleed infliction in his kit is very lackluster.

  • Somewhat risky to run if you aren’t paying attention, especially in Mirror Dungeon.

  • Bloodied Hand doesn’t particularly do much for this ID.

Suggested EGO

In this section we have listed best E.G.O.s, one per their rank for the Identity - starting with Zayin from left.

[Legerdemain] Gregor
[Legerdemain] Gregor
[Lantern] Gregor
[Lantern] Gregor
[Solemn Lament] Gregor
[Solemn Lament] Gregor
[Garden of Thorns] Gregor
[Garden of Thorns] Gregor


Full design (tier 3)