Let Us Prepare To Collect
Attack Type: Blunt
Skill Power: 3
No. of Coins: 2
Coin Power: 4
Offense Level: 50
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Gain +2 Tremor Count [On Use] Gain Clash Power +1 for every 6 Tremor on target (max 2) [On Use] Gain +3 Aggro to this Skill Slot next turn
T Corp. Accelerated Amputor
Attack Type: Slash
Skill Power: 4
No. of Coins: 3
Coin Power: 4
Offense Level: 50
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Gain +3 Tremor Count
[On Use] Clash Power +1 for every 6 Tremor on target (max 2)
I Command Thee, Halt
Attack Type: Blunt
Skill Power: 4
No. of Coins: 4
Coin Power: 3
Offense Level: 50
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Clash Power +1 for every 6 Tremor on target (max 2) [On Use] If the target has Bind, gain Clash Power +1 [On Use] Consume 10 Tremor Count on self to gain Coin Power +2
I Shall Summon the Time
Attack Type: -
Skill Power: 15
No. of Coins: 1
Coin Power: 5
Offense Level: 52
Atk Weight: 1
[Combat Start] If this unit is not in a Borrowed Time state, gain 4 Borrowed Time at Turn End (once per turn)
[On Use] For this turn: when hit by an enemy, inflict 3 Tremor on target next turn (6 times per turn)
Golden Time - Extracting
x5 Sloth [Owned]
- Turn End: If this unit's HP is between 10% ~ 20%, instantly heal 80% of this unit's max HP, and recover from Stagger. (once per Encounter) - When this unit loses Borrowed Time, gain +8 Aggro to one of this unit's Skill Slots next turn
T Corp. Physics Distortion Field
x3 Sloth [Owned]
When 1 ally with the slowest Speed takes damage from enemies with Tremor, take -10% less damage
T Corp Don, an extremely exceptional tank when it comes to her sheer versatility, utility, and tankiness. She has a very high HP pool, her passive allows her to heal 80% of her health back if left on 24-48 HP (Level 45), and she has pretty fast speeds. She also has extremely high clashes which gets even further boosted by her Borrowed Time state, which also boosts her speed as well. Borrowed Time also works extremely well with her passive, as when it expires, she's normally down to 1 speed due to the bind but also gains 8 aggro on a slot to still tank and use her guard to get Borrowed Time back. You have to spend one dead turn though to set it up, so it's recommended to use the guard when you have nothing but S1s or turn 1 to set up a nuke with her S3.
What makes her truly stand out as a tank is the debuff she inflicts onto the enemy with her S3, Time Moratorium, which stores the damage the enemy takes while it is active, and when it's effect expires the stored damage will hit the enemy all at once as Sloth damage, with an additional +30% (or +15% if you inflict it again the very next turn) more damage being added onto all of the damage stored. This effect is pretty much a better fragile in every way and fragile can even stack onto this stored damage.
The downsides here is the cost to inflict Time Moratorium being 10 Tremor, which isn't too much of an issue. Her guard gives her the Borrowed Time state, so if you don't want to consume Tremor on the target and also make full use of her high clashing skills, you have to use her guard which wastes a single turn when you could've been doing more damage. Her Borrowed Time state can also be pretty detrimental against opponents who can inflict bind, which is a niche risk, but she can instantly stagger when she gets hit with 4, 3, or 2 bind on turn 1, 2, or 3 respectively. Additionally Borrowed Time also gives you fragile but it gives less the longer you stay in the state. It wouldn't matter as she'd be a monster at clashes, but against enemies with unclashable attacks or an overwhelming number of attacks, she will be shredded apart.
Finally, her S3 also triggers Amplitude Conversion into Tremor - Chain, which does decreases 1 Clash Power for the enemy for every 10 Tremor Potency they have at a maximum of 3. While this is useful, there are also just better options for Tremor, such as Tremor Reverb, and it replaces the current Amplitude Conversion, forcing you to reapply that better version.
Exceptional clashes
Time Moratorium gives nuke turns an even bigger burst of damage
Really tanky
Time Moratorium is best used on a Tremor team, as it can only be inflicted if the enemy has 10+ Tremor
T Don doesn't inflict any Tremor Count, making her main utility inaccessible unless your team can inflict Tremor Count through other means.
Time Moratorium converts all stored damage into Sloth damage, which is pretty bad if the target is resistant to Sloth damage.
In this section we have listed best E.G.O.s, one per their rank for the Identity - starting with Zayin from left.
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