Attack Type: Slash
Skill Power: 3
No. of Coins: 2
Coin Power: 4
Offense Level: 51
Atk Weight: 1
If target has 6+ Rupture, Coin Power +1
The Wrap—Up
Attack Type: Pierce
Skill Power: 6
No. of Coins: 1
Coin Power: 10
Offense Level: 51
Atk Weight: 1
[Clash Win] Inflict +1 Rupture Count
Attack Type: Slash
Skill Power: 4
No. of Coins: 4
Coin Power: 2
Offense Level: 51
Atk Weight: 1
If target has 6+ Rupture, Coin Power +1
Attack Type: -
Skill Power: 8
No. of Coins: 1
Coin Power: 8
Offense Level: 49
Atk Weight: 1
Instictive Read
x4 Gluttony [Owned]
When attacking a target with a damage type the target is "Fatal" to (Resistance>x1.5), inflict +1 more Rupture with skill effects
If 4 or more surviving units, including this unit, are Seven Association Fixers, additional +1 more Rupture.
Connect The Dots
x4 Gluttony [Owned]
1 ally with the highest Max HP inflicts +1 more Rupture with Skill effects when attacking a target with a damage type that target is "Fatal" (Resistance>x1.5) to.
If the ally is Seven Association Fixer, additional +1 more Rupture
[Seven South Section 4] Heathcliff shines in Rupture teams, same case with 7 Faust. He is capable of inflicting a good amount of rupture himself. Rupture teams require a really high amount of investment to work, so he suffers mostly the same problem 7 Faust has where unless you have a fully dedicated Rupture team, you're better off not using this ID. No notable E.G.O. synergies
Amazing Rupture potency application (under right conditions)
Decent clash
Requires investment in other units to get working.
Not good with applying rupture count.
Really weird passive. Requires 4 other Seven Association IDs for more rupture, but the only other Seven ID that's good for Rupture is Seven Faust.
In this section we have listed best E.G.O.s, one per their rank for the Identity - starting with Zayin from left.
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