Mind Strike
Attack Type: Blunt
Skill Power: 4
No. of Coins: 2
Coin Power: +5
Offense Level: 51
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Gain +2 Charge Count
Flaying Surge
Attack Type: Blunt
Skill Power: 6
No. of Coins: 1
Coin Power: +12
Offense Level: 51
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Gain +7 Charge count
Mind Whip
Attack Type: Blunt
Skill Power: 2
No. of Coins: 4
Coin Power: +6
Offense Level: 51
Atk Weight: 1
Spend 8 Charge
At less than 8 Charge Count, target a random unit for an unopposed attack
Attack Type: -
Skill Power: 4
No. of Coins: 1
Coin Power: 10
Offense Level: 53
Atk Weight: 1
[On Evade] Gain +1 Charge Count
Brainwave Focus
x3 Gloom [Res]
At the start of combat phase, gain (Gloom Reson. / 3) Attack Power Up next turn.
If this unit fails to deal damage this turn, lose 15 SP at the end of the turn.
x5 Gloom [Owned]
1 ally with the lowest SP deals 10% Blunt damage.
Unlike others where uptie 4 only upgrades them R corp Ishmael needs it to work. Other than that with the exception of s3 she has average clashing power and decent damage with the potential to nuke if the enemy is not resistant to blunt or wrath. S3 is a double edge sword as it can be used immediately without charge although you’re gonna have to get lucky as it targets randomly but in a situation where you have more enemies than allies the risk is lower for this. Her passive if you manage to activate it can give her an attack boost but can also reduce her sanity by 15 if she fails to deal damage. Also she is quite unstable in auto as it will always select mind whip.
Notable E.G.O. Synergies: Snagharpoon makes her a better clasher while also fully fueling it
Blind Obssesion gives her some charge and it is overall a great ego and she can also fuel it
Great Clashing power
Great damage
Unstable in auto
Mind whip can be a hit or miss without charge
Requires uptie 4 to function
In this section we have listed best E.G.O.s, one per their rank for the Identity - starting with Zayin from left.
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