Umbrella Thwack
Attack Type: Blunt
Skill Power: 6
No. of Coins: 3
Coin Power: -2
Offense Level: 52
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Gain +1 Sinking Count
[Clash Lose] Gain 3 Sinking
Puddle Stomp
Attack Type: Blunt
Skill Power: 10
No. of Coins: 4
Coin Power: -3
Offense Level: 53
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] When below -15 SP, the skill gains Final Power +3
[On Use] When below -25 SP, Final Power +2
Spread Out!
Attack Type: Pierce
Skill Power: 18
No. of Coins: 3
Coin Power: -7
Offense Level: 53
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Gain 6 Sinking and +3 Sinking Count
Attack Type: Pierce
Skill Power: 10
No. of Coins: 2
Coin Power: -5
Offense Level: 55
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Gain 5 Sinking
Rain of Tears
x3 Envy [Owned]
At the start of the combat phase, spend 1 Sinking Count and lose SP by the current amount of Sinking
Before being hit by an attack, gain Protection equals to this unit's Sinking. (Up to 5 Protection can be gained per turn)
When hit, gain 1 Blunt DMG Up next turn. (3 per turn)
Ragged Umbrella
x3 Envy [Owned]
1 ally with the least SP loses 10 SP when hit by an attack and gains 1 Blunt DMG Up next turn. (Once per turn)
Sunshower Heathcliff is an awkward case. He loses SP on losing clashes and on Uptie 4 his S1 also applies sinking on him on Clash Lost, which is good, however, his sanity management is still tricky to play around. Uptie 4 did not help him much, outside of boosting his S2 when Heath is on -25 SP or lower. Unfortunately, Uptie 4 did not help much in terms of making him more rewarding to use and still requires a team built around him to function properly.
Notable E.G.O. Synergies:
AEDD - Solo fuels it and boost Sunshower Heath's survivability
Ya Śūnyatā Tad Rūpam - Allows him to solo clear Mirror Dungeon with no issues that other IDs might have.
Somewhat tanky
Can pull off decent damage numbers
Among the better Counter skills in the game
Sanity management might prove tricky
Only Skill 3 might be reliable clashing tool
Overreliance on Counter and getting hit
Awkward team building
In this section we have listed best E.G.O.s, one per their rank for the Identity - starting with Zayin from left.
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