[LCE E.G.O::Lantern] Yi Sang

[LCE E.G.O::Lantern] Yi Sang






[LCE E.G.O::Lantern] Yi Sang is a 00 rarity Identity from the Sinner Yi Sang that was added to the game on January 23rd, 2025. To learn more about [LCE E.G.O::Lantern] Yi Sang check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - skills, affinities and more!





Affinity 1
Sloth x3
Affinity 2
Envy x2
Affinity 3
Gluttony x1
Skill 1

Though it must...


Attack Type: Blunt

Skill Power: 4

No. of Coins: 2

Coin Power: 3

Offense Level: 50

Atk Weight: 1

[Combat Start] On Clash Lose, gain Final Power equal to the number of Skills targeting this unit (max 3)

[On Use] Gain +3 Aggro next turn

[On Use] If the target has 15+ Rupture and 3+ Rupture Count: this Skill does not inflict Rupture with its effects

[Clash Lose] Rupture Potency inflicted by this Skill +2

1 Unbreakable Coin
[On Hit] Inflict 1 Ruputre
2 Unbreakable Coin
[On Hit] Inflict 1 Ruputre
Skill 2

when juxtaposed with...


Attack Type: Pierce

Skill Power: 8

No. of Coins: 1

Coin Power: 6

Offense Level: 51

Atk Weight: 1

[Combat Start] On Clash Lose, gain (# of Skills targeting this unit x 2) Final Power (max 6)

[On Use] Gain +4 Aggro next turn

[On Use] If the target has 15+ Rupture and 3+ Rupture Count: this Skill does not inflict Rupture Count with its effects

[Clash Lose] Rupture Count inflicted by this Skill +2

1 Unbreakable Coin
[On Hit] Inflict +2 Ruputre Count
Skill 3

the idiosyncrasies...


Attack Type: Blunt

Skill Power: 16

No. of Coins: 3

Coin Power: -5

Offense Level: 55

Atk Weight: 1

Deal +0.8% more damage for every 1% missing HP on self

[Combat Start] Base Power +1 for every Skill that targets this unit (max 3)

[On Use] Gain 3 Fairy Lure (once per turn)

[On Use] Gain +8 Aggro next turn

[On Use] If the target has 15+ Rupture and 3+ Rupture Count, this Skill does not inflict Rupture or Rupture Count with its effects; instead, gain Base Power +1

[After Attack] Heal 30 SP

1 [On Hit] Inflict +3 Rupture Count
[On Hit] Inflict 2 Bind
2 [On Hit] Inflict 1 Rupture
3 [On Hit] Inflict 1 Rupture

Yet, the degree...


Attack Type: Blunt

Skill Power: 10

No. of Coins: 1

Coin Power: 5

Offense Level: 55

Atk Weight: 1

[Combat Start] Gain 3 Fairy Lure (once per turn)

[On Use] Gain +8 Aggro next turn

[On Use] If the target has 15+ Rupture and 3+ Rupture Count, this Skill does not inflict Rupture Count with its effects; instead, gain Base Power +3

1 [On Hit] Inflict +2 Rupture Count

This is reflected...

x3 Gluttony [Owned]

On death, inflict 5 Rupture and +3 Rupture Count against the target that attacked this unit last; then, gain 2 E.G.O resources for 4 least-owned E.G.O resources.

- If no one attacked this unit, or if an ally killed this unit, inflict 5 Rupture and +3 Rupture Count against the enemy with the least Rupture Count

- If this unit is in a Fairy Lure state, inflict double the Rupture potency with this effect


E.G.O disintegration...

x5 Gluttony [Owned]

When 1 ally with the least HP is killed, gain 2 E.G.O resources for the 2 E.G.O least-owned E.G.O resources

Stats (At level 50)
Max HP
Speed Range
Slash RES
Pierce RES
Blunt RES



Lantern Yi Sang is an ID that was made to die. He functionally provides no benefits from staying alive, and the Rupture he can inflict from his skill is extremely limited due to the conditional that he cannot inflict Rupture at all if the enemy has 15+ Rupture Potency and 3+ Rupture Count. His clashes and damage both also suck, as he’s made with the sole purpose of losing clashes.

This would make this ID utterly awful for new players and one that must be avoided at all costs. However when you eventually unlock Chain Battles and have more access to teams and ego, Lantern Yi Sang does see some value to him, and this comes from his Passive. 

On death, Lantern Yi Sang will inflict 5 Rupture Potency and 3 Rupture Count against the target that attacked him last, and you gain 2 E.G.O Resources for the 4 least-owned resources which is huge for Railway runs, giving you a very nice boost in free resources. This makes for a very good enabler for a Rupture team to get started in stacking up its count as well as a very worthwhile boost to your resources.

Getting into Lantern Yi Sang’s unique mechanic too, he has a state named “Fairy Lure” which lasts for 3 turns, which you gain from his Skill 3 and his Defensive Skill. What it does is that it makes Yi Sang’s leftmost Slot on the Dashboard gain +10 Aggro, makes Yi Sang take +50% more damage, and when hit, inflicts 1 Rupture potency against the Attacker for up to 3 times per skill. At less than 50% HP, an additional 1 Rupture potency. If the Attacker has 15+ Rupture potency, the effect will stop inflicting Rupture potency. Additionally, when Lantern Yi Sang is in the Fairy Lure state, his Passive will inflict 10 Rupture potency instead of 5 upon Death.

That being said, let’s go over Lantern Yi Sang’s skills (for the sake of being brief, the skills will not have their names.)

  • Skill 1 - 2 Coin Skill - Max Roll 10, 9 On Clash Lose. A generic skill that can inflict up to 6 Rupture Potency on Clash Lose if the target’s Rupture is lower than the Rupture threshold.

  • Skill 2 - 1 Coin Skill - Max Roll 14, 15 On Clash Lose. A very positive Rupture Count skill. Unfortunately, it is very limited by the Rupture Threshold.

  • Skill 3 - 3 Coin Skill - Max Roll 16, 20 when conditionals are fulfilled. One of the main ways to gain Fairy Lure. Other than that do not use this skill for clashing as the Rupture Count application is in the first coin meaning the first clash you lose erases the main benefit of this skill. This is especially bad since it's a negative Coin Power skill.

  • Defensive - 1 Coin Skill - Max Roll 15, 18 when conditionals are fulfilled. The most reliable way to gain Fairy Lure and progress toward his passive activation.

Your general game plan with this ID is to get 3 Gluttony to activate the passive and use either an unopposed Skill 3 or Counter and then kill Yi Sang. It’s not worth keeping him at higher levels since that would only make it harder for him to eventually die. A bright side to this at least is that the aggro from his Skill 3 and Defensive Skill draws most of the high damage attacks from the enemy away.

This ID is utterly useless when starting out, but does have an actual niche once you have a proper team for it.

Notable Team/ID Synergies


Notable E.G.O Synergies


Pros & Cons

  • Can give a head start in Rupture Count from S3 and On Death.

  • Can give 2 E.G.O Resources for 4 least-owned E.G.O resources on death, for a total of 8 Resources.

  • The amount of Aggro Yi Sang can gain from skills makes it so that you can draw most of the attacks from an enemy away from your other units.


  • Quite literally is more useful dead than alive.

  • Pretty much a bricked ID if you have him at higher levels as he dies slower.

Suggested EGO

In this section we have listed best E.G.O.s, one per their rank for the Identity - starting with Zayin from left.

[Crows's Eye View] Yi Sang
[Crows's Eye View] Yi Sang
[Wishing Cairn] Yi Sang
[Wishing Cairn] Yi Sang
[Dimension Shredder] Yi Sang
[Dimension Shredder] Yi Sang
[Sunshower] Yi Sang
[Sunshower] Yi Sang


Full design (tier 3)