[LCE E.G.O::Ardor Blossom Star] Faust

[LCE E.G.O::Ardor Blossom Star] Faust






[LCE E.G.O::Ardor Blossom Star] Faust is a 000 rarity Identity from the Sinner Faust that was added to the game on January 23rd, 2025. To learn more about [LCE E.G.O::Ardor Blossom Star] Faust check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - skills, affinities and more!





Affinity 1
Sloth x3
Affinity 2
Pride x2
Affinity 3
Wrath x1
Skill 1



Attack Type: Blunt

Skill Power: 3

No. of Coins: 2

Coin Power: 4

Offense Level: 51

Atk Weight: 1

[On Use] At 10+ Burn, deal +10% more damage

[On Use] Gain 7 Burn and +1 Burn Count

[On Use] Coin Power +1 for every 10 (Burn on self + Burn on the target) (max 2)

1 [On Hit] Inflict 1 Burn
[On Hit] Gain 2 Burn
2 [On Hit] Inflict 1 Burn
[On Hit] At 10+ Burn, inflict additional 3 Burn
[On Hit] Gain 2 Burn
Skill 2

E.G.O - A.B.S. Activation


Attack Type: Blunt

Skill Power: 4

No. of Coins: 3

Coin Power: 4

Offense Level: 53

Atk Weight: 1

[On Use] Deal +10% more damage for every 10 Burn on self (max 20%)

[On Use] Gain +4 Burn Count

[On Use] Coin Power +1 for every 4 (Burn on self + Burn on the target) (max 2)

1 [On Hit] Inflict 1 Burn
2 [On Hit] Inflict 1 Burn
3 Unbreakable Coin
[On Hit without cracking] Inflict 3 Burn
[On Hit] If the target has 15+Burn, inflict +2 Burn Count on target
Skill 3

Drawn by Flame


Attack Type: Blunt

Skill Power: 5

No. of Coins: 3

Coin Power: 4

Offense Level: 55

Atk Weight: 1

[Combat Start] Gain 7 Burn and +1 Burn Count

[Before Use] At 30+ Burn, activate 'A.B.S. Max Attunement [Degraded Corrosion]' instead

[On Use] Deal +12.5% more damage for every 5 Burn on self (max 50%)

[On Use] Base Power +1 for every 10 (Burn on self + Burn on the target) (max 2)

[On Use] If this unit is missing 30%+ HP, Coin Power +1 (max 2)

1 [On Hit] Inflict 3 Burn
2 [On Hit] Inflict 3 Burn
Skill 4

A.B.S. Max Attunement [Degraded Corrosion]


Attack Type: Blunt

Skill Power: 5

No. of Coins: 3

Coin Power: 4

Offense Level: 55

Atk Weight: 1

After using this Skill, dies.

- If HP drops to 1 while using this Skill, maintains HP at 1 for the duration of the Skill.

[On Use] Deal +12.5% more damage for every 5 Burn on self (max 50%)

[On Use] Base Power +1 for every 10 (Burn on self + Burn on the target) (max 2)

[On Use] Coin Power +1 for every 30% missing HP on self (max 3)

[Before Attack] Atk Weight +1 for every 20% missing HP on self (max 4)

1 Unbreakable Coin
[On Hit] Inflict 4 Burn
2 Unbreakable Coin
[On Hit] Inflict 4 Burn
3 Unbreakable Coin
[On Hit] Deal +10% more damage for every 20% missing HP on self (max 30%)

Resonating by raising A.B.S. Attunement.


Attack Type: -

Skill Power: 4

No. of Coins: 1

Coin Power: 10

Offense Level: 48

Atk Weight: 1

[On Use] At 10+ Burn, Coin Power +3

[On Use] Lose 5 Burn (once per turn)

[On Evade] Lose 5 Burn (once per turn)



Cannot be staggered or fall below 1 HP due to Burn damage.


Flame Moth

x3 Wrath [Owned]

Combat Start: at 80%+ missing HP, and at less than 30 Burn, gain up to 30 Burn (once per Encounter)

Turn End: Gain 1 Offense Level Up next turn for every 6 Burn on self (max 5)

On death, activate the following:

- Inflict 2 Burn on all enemies; inflict Burn on self between all enemies (max 3 per enemy)

- Gain 2 E.G.O resource for 2 least-owned E.G.O resources

If this unit died due to the A.B.S. Max Attunement [Degraded Corrosion] Skill, enhance the effect:

- Inflict 3 Burn on all enemies; inflict Burn on self between all enemies (max 5 per enemy)

- Gain 2 E.G.O resource for 2 least-owned E.G.O resources If this unit had 30+ Burn, apply 3 Offense Level Up to 1 ally that gets Substituted in


Residual Heat

x3 Wrath [Res]

When 1 ally with the least SP inflicts Burn with a Base Attack Skill's On Hit effect, inflict 2 additional Burn (3 times max)

- If the target the ally is attacking has 30+ Burn, inflict +1 Burn Count instead (3 times max)

Stats (At level 50)
Max HP
Speed Range
Slash RES
Pierce RES
Blunt RES



LCE Faust is a unique Burn ID who gets better with lower health, Burn stacks on herself, and has effects triggered upon death. Each time Faust uses her offensive skills, she will inflict Burn on the enemy and gain it for herself. All her skills become better with more combined Burn on herself and the enemy, meaning even if an enemy has no Burn on them, Faust can maintain her bonuses in certain scenarios.

  • Skill 1 - Ignition - 2 Coins - Rolls 11 at base, 15 at max. Decently rolling Skill 1 with great Burn potency application. 

  • Skill 2 - E.G.O - A.B.S. Activation - Rolls 16 at base, 22 at max. This skill not only rolls great with decent Burn application but is also the main way for Faust to maintain Burn potency on herself as it gives her a +4 Count.

  • Skill 3-1 - Drawn by Flame - Rolls 17 at base, 25 at max. There is nothing much to write about this version of a skill as it is just decent as far as Skill 3 goes. However, its other version is much more unique.

  • Skill 3-2 - A.B.S. Max Attunement [Degraded Corrosion] - Rolls 17 at base, 28 at max. gains an additional 4 Atk Weight the lower Faust's HP is - This skill replaces Drawn by Flame if Faust has 30+ Burn on herself. While this skill in the right scenario will hit like a truck and is among the best nuke skills in the game, it comes with the downside of Faust dying after using it. However, due to how LCE Faust’s kit works, and there being bigger benefits of dying to Skill 3-2, her death is not as detrimental. If one wishes to avoid activating Skill 3-2, her evade is there.

  • Defensive Skill - Evade - Resonating by raising A.B.S. Attunement. The main use of this defensive skill is to lower LCE Faust’s Burn potency to control Skill 3-2 activation.

Now, let's talk about Passives. The first one, always active, is named Fireproof, which prevents Faust from being staggered due to Burn and also keeps her alive at 1 HP instead if she were to die due to Burn normally. Due to how many Burns she can accumulate on herself, it is a very welcome Passive. Her second Passive, Flame Moth, has multiple parts to it:

  • If Faust is at 20% or lower, she gains 30 Burn Potency once, which lets her use Skill 3-2 which will be practically at max conditionals due to that amount of Burn and HP.

  • 1 Offense level per 6 Burn. Welcome buff that might help with ensuring wins during Clashing.

  • And then we have 2 versions of LCE Faust death effects. First is inflicting up to 5 Burn on all enemies and gaining 2 E.G.O for 2 least-owned E.G.O resources. Not much, however, if LCE Faust dies due to usage of Skill 3-2 A.B.S. Max Attunement [Degraded Corrosion], she will inflict up to 8 Burn on all enemies, provide 2 E.G.O for 2 least-owned E.G.O resources and substituting ally receives 3 Offense Level Up.

Due to how LCE Faust’s kit works, her game plan is to slowly stack Burn on herself, control it with Evade, and use Skill 3-2 when there is a plethora of enemies to kill or enemy with multiple parts to nuke and let rest of the team clean up if there is even anything left alive. 

Unfortunately, there are not many cases where that game plan can work, and without the usage of A.B.S. Max Attunement [Degraded Corrosion], LCE Faust is just an above-average Burn ID with a decent Burn Potency application. Additionally, at the time of writing this review, there is a severe lack of Burn-centric Identities, meaning the one substituting for Faust in Burn team, is very far from being a good choice. LCE Faust is one of those Identities that will benefit greatly from more Burn Identities being added to the game.

Notable Team/ID Synergies - None

Notable E.G.O Synergies - None

Pros & Cons

  • Great damage, especially on Skill 3-2.

  • Great Burn Potency application.

  • Decent on death effects.


  • Not meant for longer fights.

  • Forced death on Skill 3-2 that requires player planning or attention.

Suggested EGO

In this section we have listed best E.G.O.s, one per their rank for the Identity - starting with Zayin from left.

[Representation Emitter] Faust
[Representation Emitter] Faust
[Hex Nail] Faust
[Hex Nail] Faust
[Fluid Sac] Faust
[Fluid Sac] Faust
[Everlasting] Faust
[Everlasting] Faust


Full design (tier 3)