[Kurokumo Clan Captain] Ishmael

[Kurokumo Clan Captain] Ishmael






[Kurokumo Clan Captain] Ishmael is a 000 rarity Identity from the Sinner Ishmael that was added to the game on February 6th, 2025. To learn more about [Kurokumo Clan Captain] Ishmael check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - skills, affinities and more!





Affinity 1
Envy x3
Affinity 2
Pride x2
Affinity 3
Lust x1
Skill 1

Clean Up


Attack Type: Slash

Skill Power: 3

No. of Coins: 2

Coin Power: 4

Offense Level: 52

Atk Weight: 1

Coin Power +1 for every 6 Bleed on the target (max 2)

Deal +10% more damage for every type of negative effect on the target (max 30%)

1 [On Hit] Inflict 1 Bleed
2 [On Hit] Inflict 2 Bleed
[On Hit] Inflict 1 Offense Level Down
Skill 2

Sharpened Blade


Attack Type: Slash

Skill Power: 4

No. of Coins: 2

Coin Power: 6

Offense Level: 53

Atk Weight: 1

Coin Power +1 for every 6 Bleed on the target (max 2)

Deal +10% more damage for every type of negative effect on the target (max 50%)

[Combat Start] On 2 other allied Kurokumo Clan Identities with the fastest Speed: apply 2 Damage Up (once per turn)

- If there are 6+ Kurokumo Clan units, including this unit, apply 4 Damage Up to 5 allies instead

1 [On Hit] Inflict 2 Bleed
[Heads Hit] Inflict 1 Slash Fragility
- if there are 6+ Kurokumo Clan units, including this unit, inflict 2 Fragile instead
2 [On Hit] Inflict 2 Bleed Count
[On Hit] Gain 1 Slash Power Up next turn (2 times per turn)
Skill 3

Ink Over


Attack Type: Slash

Skill Power: 5

No. of Coins: 3

Coin Power: 4

Offense Level: 55

Atk Weight: 1

Coin Power +1 for every 6 Bleed on the target (max 2)

[On Kill] Gain 2 Slash Power Up next turn (once per turn)

1 [On Hit] Inflict +2 Bleed Count
2 [On Hit] Inflict 3 Bleed
3 Deal +10% more damage for every type of negative effect on the target (max 100%)
[On Hit] Activate Bleed on the target 3 times; then, reduce their Bleed Count by 3

Scattering Slash


Attack Type: -

Skill Power: 4

No. of Coins: 1

Coin Power: 10

Offense Level: 51

Atk Weight: 1

[Combat Start] Gain 1 Protection (once per turn)

[Combat Start] On (2 + highest Reson.) allied Kurokumo Clan Identities, including this unit, with the fastest Speed: apply 2 Defense Power Up (once per turn)


Battle Ready

When a Kurokumo Clan ally dies, gain 1 Slash Power Up for this Encounter

When 3+ Kurokumo Clan allies are defeated, gain Battle Ready for this Encounter


Gathering Dark Clouds

x3 Lust [Res]

Combat Start: if there are 2+ allied Kurokumo Clan Identities in this Encounter, including this unit, gain 1 Dark Cloud Blade

Combat Start: apply 1 Dark Cloud to Kurokumo Clan Identities adjacent to this unit on the Dashboard

- At 4+ Lust Reson., apply 1 Dark Cloud to all other Kurokumo Clan allies


Cloud Workshop Blade

x3 Lust [Res]

1 ally with the fastest Speed inflicts +1 more Bleed

Stats (At level 50)
Max HP
Speed Range
Slash RES
Pierce RES
Blunt RES



Kurokumo Ishmael is the unlikely savior of the Kurokumo Team, and her effectiveness in buffing all Kurokumo units is so good, enough to be better than the Blade Lineage Team in some aspects. Be it building up extremely high amounts of Bleed to proc all at once, or turning every single skill played by a Kurokumo unit into Negative Coins but better.

To begin this review, we will go over Kurokumo Ishmael’s Passive, “Gathering Dark Clouds.”

At 3+ Lust Resonance, gains Dark Cloud Blade which gives Ishmael 1 Slash Power and inflict 1 Bleed On Hit with Slash Skills on Combat Start. Additionally, apply 1 Dark Cloud to Kurokumo Clan Identities adjacent to this unit on the Dashboard, which converts all of their Base Attack Skill Coins used this turn to Unbreakable Coins, prevents damage from Staggering those units until the end of their Skills, and inflict +1 more of Bleed effects. Additionally, if they lose the clash, they’ll gain 3 Final Power, which amplifies the Unbreakable Coin Counter damage. If you reach 4+ Lust Resonance, Dark Cloud will be applied to all Kurokumo Clan allies.

Already, this makes every prior criticism about Kurokumo IDs being bad at Clashing go null, as with the combined power of both Unbreakable Coins and Final Power from Dark Cloud, you still gain the benefits of amplified Bleed infliction and debuffs from the other Kurokumo Clan members, with the added effect that they cannot stagger until after their skill ends, completely nullifying the consequence of losing a clash in the first place.

That being said, let’s go over her skills.

  • Skill 1, Clean Up - 2 Coin Skill - Base Roll 11, Conditionals Met - 15. This skill does +30% more damage for every type of negative effect on the target, for a maximum of 30%.

  • Skill 2, Sharpened Blade - 2 Coin Skill - Base Roll 16, Conditionals Met - 20. This skill is Ishmael’s main utility for the Kurokumo Team, applying Damage Up to other allied Kurokumo units. The slash fragility also turns into normal fragility if there are 6+ other Kurokumo IDs.

  • Skill 3, Ink Over - 3 Coin Skill - Base Roll 17, Conditionals Met - 23. Ishmael will gain 2 Slash Power Up when this skill kills a target. This skill also activates Bleed on the target 3 times.

  • Defensive Skill, Scattering Slash - 1 Coin Skill - Base Roll 14. Outside of being an evade, its main purpose is to activate lust resonance passives and buff up Kurokumo Heathcliff's counter

Kurokumo Ishmael also has one final trick up her sleeve, where she has the Battle Ready Passive. This passive activates where when a Kurokumo Clan ally dies, she gains 1 Slash Power Up for the rest of the Encounter. When 3 or more Kurokumo Clan allies are defeated, she will then gain Battle Ready for the rest of the Encounter. This effect will add +1 Bleed Potency and Count inflicted with this unit’s Skill or Coin effects, and Gain 1 Slash Power Up and 3 Slash DMG Up for the rest of the encounter.

While some allies don’t benefit too much from Kurokumo Ishmael’s bonuses, the vast majority of them are greatly amplified by their capabilities, making them arguably stronger than Blade Lineage with this unit alone.

Notable Team/ID Synergies

  • Kurokumo Hong Lu - Because of Dark Cloud, Kurokumo Hong Lu now has the strongest Bleed infliction in the game with his S3. Applying a very hefty 10 Bleed Potency with his S2 alone. Also because Kurokumo Ishmael procs Bleed Count thrice with her S3, Cloud Cutter can always stay active even through Rodion’s Sanguine Desire.

  • Kurokumo Ryoshu - Because of Dark Cloud, Kurokumo Ryoshu now has the means to let Bleed stay and stack faster, with 4 Count on S2 and 5 Count on S3.

  • Kurokumo Heathcliff - Kurokumo Ishmael’s presence on the field makes his counter, Rules of the Backstreets, a lot stronger by converting all of his skills into Unbreakable Coins and gaining Final Power +4 upon Clash Lose.

Notable E.G.O Synergies - None

Pros & Cons

  • Exceedingly great synergies across all Kurokumo IDs

  • Great Damage

  • Battle Ready is surprisingly not very hard to activate


  • A lot of utility and strength is lost when put outside of a Kurokumo Team

  • A lot of damage amplifiers need multiple negative statuses at once which is hard to keep up when outside of Mirror Dungeon.

Suggested EGO

In this section we have listed best E.G.O.s, one per their rank for the Identity - starting with Zayin from left.

[Snagharpoon] Ishmael
[Snagharpoon] Ishmael
[Roseate Desire] Ishmael
[Roseate Desire] Ishmael
[Wingbeat] Ishmael
[Wingbeat] Ishmael
[Blind Obsession] Ishmael
[Blind Obsession] Ishmael


Full design (tier 3)