Sabre Slash
Attack Type: Slash
Skill Power: 5
No. of Coins: 1
Coin Power: 6
Offense Level: 50
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Coin Power +1 for every 3 Sinking on target (max 2)
[On Use] Clash Power +1 for every 3 Sinking Count on target (max 2)
Attack Type: Slash
Skill Power: 4
No. of Coins: 2
Coin Power: 6
Offense Level: 50
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] If the target has 6+ Sinking, Coin Power +1
[On Use] Clash Power +1 for every 3 Sinking Count on target (max 2)
[Clash Win] Inflict +2 Sinking Count
Nightmare Hunt
Attack Type: Slash
Skill Power: 4
No. of Coins: 4
Coin Power: 3
Offense Level: 50
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Clash Power +1 for every 3 Sinking Count on target (max 3)
[After Attack] If the target is Staggered, inflict +3 Sinking Count
[After Attack] If the target is defeated, inflict +3 Sinking Count on 2 random enemies
Do You Wish to Weep
Attack Type: -
Skill Power: 4
No. of Coins: 1
Coin Power: 10
Offense Level: 46
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Coin Power +1 for every 3 Sinking on target (max 3)
Endless Nightmares
x3 Gloom [Res]
- Combat Start: gain 1 Damage Up and 1 Fragile for every 5 SP difference between this Combat Start and the last Turn Start (max 5)
- Deal +2% more damage for every Sinking Potency on target (max 40%)
x3 Gloom [Owned]
Combat Start: 1 ally with the least SP loses 5 SP, then gains 1 Gloom DMG Up
Edgar Family Heir Gregor is an amazing ID for Sinking teams, bar none. Being a Sinking ID that primarily focuses on doing damage, he features an incredible amount of damage amplifications, can deal good damage and can also assist greatly in the Sinking application. Having low Coin counts gives the benefit of not taking up too much Sinking Count when attacking, unlike other IDs.
First, let us talk about his Passive - his main gimmick. He gains up to 50% additional damage based on the SP difference between this combat start and the last turn start. This largely helps the Skills with low Coins deal more damage allowing him to keep up with other IDs that beat him solely by the virtue of having more Coins than him.
Let us take a look at his skills now:
Skill 1 - Sabre Slash - 1 Coin Skill, Base Roll – 11, Conditionals Met – 15.
Skill 2 - Remise - 2 Coin Skill, Base Roll – 16, Conditionals Met – 20. Inflicts a total of 5 Sinking Count, making it net positive for Sinking.
Skill 3 - Nightmare Hunt - 4 Coin Skill, Base Roll – 16, Conditionals Met – 19. Inflicts up to 3 Sinking Count if the target is staggered and another 3 Sinking Count to 2 enemies if the target is defeated. This skill deals great damage as it procs Sinking 4 times, Gains +30% damage for the next turn, and 1 Coin boost in exchange for a 50% chance to absorb 10 Sinking Potency.
Bygone Days - Allows him to heal SP for himself and allies in exchange for Sinking Count. It also generates more E.G.O. resources on kill(s).
Damage Up from both Passive and S3 helps the skills with low Coins deal more damage that they otherwise couldn't do.
Skills with low Coins help not take too much Sinking away from the main target.
S2 is a huge net positive for Sinking Count.
The Fragile from the Passive will make Gregor take a lot of damage from either one sided attacks or when he loses a clash.
The Passive kind of makes this ID bad for Dungeons and Railway, since you'll have to use ego or try and utilize his S3 to make a difference in his SP.
Pretty much requires a dedicated Sinking team in order to maintain Sinking Potency and Count on the enemy to fully work, otherwise this ID is pretty average.
In this section we have listed best E.G.O.s, one per their rank for the Identity - starting with Zayin from left.
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