Studious Dedication
Attack Type: Blunt
Skill Power: 3
No. of Coins: 2
Coin Power: 4
Offense Level: 50
Atk Weight: 1
Gain (Insight x 5% of Max HP) Shield if this Skill is Discarded
[On Use] Discard 1 Skill of the lowest rank in all of this unit's Skill Slots
[On Use] Gain (Insight - 1) Clash Power (max 2)
[Clash Win] Gain 2 Erudition (once per turn)
Moment of Erudition
Attack Type: Pierce
Skill Power: 4
No. of Coins: 2
Coin Power: 6
Offense Level: 51
Atk Weight: 1
Deal +5% more damage for every Insight on self (max 15%)
[Combat Start] Apply Erudition equal to Insight on self to 2 random allies and on self (prioritizes allies with Discard that has the least Erudition)
[On Use] Discard 2 of this unit's Skills in ascending order of ranks from all of its Skill Slots
[On Use] Coin Power +1 for every 6 Sinking on target (max 2)
Scorch Knowledge
Attack Type: Blunt
Skill Power: 5
No. of Coins: 3
Coin Power: 4
Offense Level: 53
Atk Weight: 1
Deal +5% more damage for every Insight (max 45%)
[On Use] Coin Power +1 for every 6 Sinking on target (max 2)
[Before Attack] Consume all Erudition on self and gain the same value as additional Insight
[After Attack] At 4+ Insight, reset value to 1 (if this Skill defeats an enemy, reset value to 3 instead)
Fixated Study
Attack Type: -
Skill Power: 15
No. of Coins: 1
Coin Power: 5
Offense Level: 54
Atk Weight: 1
[On Use] Discard 1 Skill of the highest rank in all of this unit's Skill Slots
[On Use] Gain +6 Aggro to this Skill Slot next turn
Study Hall
x2 Gloom [Res]
Every time other allies Discard a Skill, apply 1 Erudition to the ally and self (once per Skill, 3 times per turn)
Turn End: next turn, gain Pierce DMG Up and Blunt DMG Up equal to the number of other allies that Discarded Skills (max 3)
Diligent Learning
x5 Gloom [Owned]
When 1 ally with the highest max HP Discards a Skill, gain (5 x Discarded Skill rank)% of the max HP as Shield (once per turn)
If the ally has Insight, multiply the above Shield value by 1.5
Dieci Assoc. South Section 4 Director Meursault is an Identity focused on supporting mostly other Dieci Identities with a new effect called Erudition and trying to do damage at the same time. Unfortunately, what he offers is not something that Dieci Identities needs or could benefit from in a case or two.
Let's start with rolls on the skills. At the base, Dieci Meursault rolls 10 / 16 / 17. Not very impressive values for a 000 rarity Identity. However, when certain conditions are fulfilled, those rolls (in a clash) go up to 13 / 21 / 24 and those values are good.
Dieci Meursault's main gimmick is a status called Erudition that he can apply to himself and his allies. Said status grants shields when allies discard skills and once per turn boosts their clash power by 1. While Erudition is fine in itself, its benefits are either redundant or not applicable.
For example, Dieci Rodion already gains a lot of shields and is already tanky enough, meaning additional shield granted won't be that impactful, or in the case of Dieci Hong Lu, Erudition won't give him any shield and additional Clash Power won't matter too as said Identity wants to stay at Insight 3 and never discard again.
Like the rest of Dieci Identities, Meursault applies Sinking, however, his application is not that impressive. The same can be said about his damage. Despite damage boosts on skills and from passive, his damage is not that impressive.
Overall, Dieci Meursault is a rather average Identity whose gimmick is not needed or required.
Notable E.G.O. Synergy:
Supports Dieci Identities with additional damage and survivability
Discard Identities can benefit from additional Survivability
Good clashes
Sinking application on the lower end
Dieci Identities might not fully benefit from the benefits he has to offer
Discard Identities might not need a shield from Erudition at all
In this section we have listed best E.G.O.s, one per their rank for the Identity - starting with Zayin from left.
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