[Devyat' Assoc. North Section 3] Rodion

[Devyat' Assoc. North Section 3] Rodion






[Devyat' Assoc. North Section 3] Rodion is a 000 rarity Identity from the Sinner Rodion that was added to the game on September 19th, 2024. To learn more about [Devyat' Assoc. North Section 3] Rodion check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - skills, affinities and more!





Affinity 1
Lust x3
Affinity 2
Wrath x2
Affinity 3
Gluttony x1
Skill 1

Courier Trunk - Decay Knife


Attack Type: Slash

Skill Power: 3

No. of Coins: 2

Coin Power: 4

Offense Level: 52

Atk Weight: 1

Coin Power +1 for every 10 Courier Trunk on self or for every 6 Rupture on the target (max 2)

[On Use] If the target has 15+ Rupture and 3+ Rupture Count: this Skill does not consume target's Rupture Count On Hit, but does not inflict Rupture with this Skill's On Hit effects

1 [On Hit] Gain 1 Courier Trunk
- If this unit has less than 15 Courier Trunk, gain 1 additional Courier Trunk
2 [On Hit] Inflict 3 Rupture
Skill 2

Courier Trunk - Gadget Reveal


Attack Type: Slash

Skill Power: 4

No. of Coins: 3

Coin Power: 4

Offense Level: 52

Atk Weight: 1

Deal +2% more damage for every Courier Trunk on self (max 40%)

Coin Power +1 for every 10 Courier Trunk on self or for every 6 Rupture on the target (max 2)

[On Use] If the target has 15+ Rupture and 3+ Rupture Count: this Skill does not consume target's Rupture Count On Hit

1 [On Hit] Gain 1 Courier Trunk
- If this unit has less than 15 Courier Trunk, gain 2 additional Courier Trunk
2 [Heads Hit] Gain 1 Haste next turn (once per turn)
- At 15+ Courier Trunk, gain 1 additional Haste
3 [On Hit] Inflict 1 Defense Level Down for every 5 Courier Trunk on self or for every 5 Rupture on the target (max 6, once per turn)
Skill 3

I Trust Ya, Polu!


Attack Type: Slash

Skill Power: 5

No. of Coins: 3

Coin Power: 4

Offense Level: 54

Atk Weight: 1

Deal +4% more damage for every Courier Trunk on self (max 80%)

Coin Power +1 for every 10 Courier Trunk on self or for every 6 Rupture on the target (max 2)

[On Use] If the target has 15+ Rupture and 3+ Rupture Count: this Skill does not inflict Rupture Count with its On Hit effects; instead, Reuse its last Coin

2 [On Hit] Inflict +3 Rupture Count (once per turn)
- Inflict +1 more Rupture Count for every 10 Courier Trunk (max 2)
3 [On Hit] At 15+ Courier Trunk, deal 25% more damage
[After Attack] If target is Staggered or defeated, gain 2 Haste next turn (once per turn)

Courier Support & Control Sequence


Attack Type: Slash

Skill Power: 9

No. of Coins: 1

Coin Power: 7

Offense Level: 53

Atk Weight: 1

[Combat Start] At 15+ Courier Trunk, activate 'Just… a Strategic Time Off!' instead (once per turn)

[Combat Start] If this Skill is to be activated, gain (Courier Trunk)% of this unit's max HP as Shield (max 25%, once per turn)

[On Use] Gain 2 Courier Trunk (once per turn)

- At less than 15 Courier Trunk, gain 1 additional Courier Trunk


Just... A Strategic Time Off!


Attack Type: Slash

Skill Power: 9

No. of Coins: 1

Coin Power: 7

Offense Level: 53

Atk Weight: 1

[Combat Start] If this Skill is to be activated, gain (Courier Trunk)% of this unit's max HP as Shield (max 25%, once per turn)

[Turn End] Activate Strategic R&R Mode


Lemme go and I swear I'll make it in time!

<For Chain Battles> When, after Retreating with 'Strategic R&R Mode', if this unit rejoins the battle, halve the Courier Trunk value (once per Encounter, rounded up)


Speedy Delivery

x4 Gluttony [Owned]

Turn Start: At 6+ Speed, or if this unit has Haste, gain (Courier Trunk)% of this unit's max HP as Shield (max 20%) Upon Retreat, apply 1 Clash Power Up to 2 allies next turn (prioritizes Substituted units first, then in Deployment order) - Lasts for 1 additional turn for every 15 Courier Trunk on self (2 more turns max)


Outstanding Courier

x6 Gluttony [Owned]

To 1 ally with the fastest Speed: Clash Power +1 to Skills that apply Rupture Potency or Count

Stats (At level 50)
Max HP
Speed Range
Slash RES
Pierce RES
Blunt RES



Devyat Rodion is an interesting case for a DPS identity featuring a mix of Rupture in skills who does well in short fights.

Before we tune into her skills, Let’s go over her gimmick first. She gains Courier Trunk at every Turn Start and use of Skill 1 and 2. This gives her various effects based on stack count: 

  • 10+ Stacks - Increases her minimum and maximum Speed by 1

  • 20+ Stacks - Grants 1 each of Clash Power Up  and Slash Damage.

  • 30+ Stacks - Loses HP and SP after Skill Use and at Turn End.

As seen, at a certain point she starts inflicting self damage which can kill her, generally it happens around Turn 7 or Turn 9, as such if the fight is not wrapped up by then, she will either die very soon or can be ‘forced to retreat’ from the fight.

With that out of the way, let us look at her skills.

  • Skill 1, Courier Trunk - Decay Knife  – 2 Coin Skill, Base Roll – 11, Conditionals Met – 16. Gains 1 Courier Trunk on use (2 if total Courier Trunks < 15). This skill neither consumes nor generates Rupture Count if the target has 15+ Rupture Potency and 3+ Rupture Count.

  • Skill 2, Courier Trunk - Gadget Reveal  – 3 Coin Skill, Base Roll – 16, Conditionals Met – 23. Gains 1 Courier Trunk (3 if total Courier Trunks < 15), 1 Haste (2 if total Courier Trunks > 15) on use. For every 5 Trunk or Rupture on target, inflict 1 Defense Level Down (Max of 6). This skill also does not consume Rupture Count if the target has 15+ Rupture Potency and 3+ Rupture Count.

  • Skill 3, I Trust Ya, Polu!  – 3 Coin Skill, Base Roll – 17, Conditionals Met – 24. Can inflict up to 5 Rupture Count. This skill also neither consumes nor generates Rupture Count if the target has 15+ Rupture Potency and 3+ Rupture Count, and in such a case instead of inflicting Rupture Count, it will reuse its Last Coin.

  • Counters - She possesses 2 Normal Counters which are the way for her to retreat from the fight. First Counter, Courier Support & Control Sequence - Grants her 2 Courier Trunk (3 if total Courier Trunks < 15) on use. At 15+ Counter Trunks, it changes to Second Counter, Just... a Strategic Time Off! activating a “Strategic R&R Mode” effect to retreat from the fight. More about this effect in the “Advanced Combat Guide”

As mentioned earlier, her strong suit is at short fights where her damage and clashing shines. Her conditional damage buffs are very strong, but outside of those, she is not particularly amazing as the “Retreat” mechanic has very minor payoff at worse, offering 2 allies with 1 Clash Power Up to the sinner who replaced her and the next sinner in Deployment order. After Retreat, she moves all the way to the back of the chained deployment, or straight up removed in non-chained battles. She assists, then, only via Support Passive, which only benefits Rupture Teams.

Speaking of Rupture, her conditionals for not consuming Rupture Count, while sounds good on paper, are a bit too much in practice (outside of Mirror Dungeons). The majority of Rupture Identities are count Neutral or Negative, so asking for 15+ Potency and 3+ Count in the span of 7-9 turns might prove to be difficult, especially with Chained Battles becoming a norm where sole bosses are uncommon.

In conclusion, Devyat Rodion is a short fight specialist who benefits from Rupture but does not make Rupture teams any better. And outside of them, once she retreats, her contribution to the overall team effectiveness disappears. 

No Notable E.G.O. Synergies.

Pros & Cons

  • Fantastic Damage and Clashes in shorter fights.

  • Can work in any team as long as the fight ends fast.


  • Reliant on fights ending quickly.

  • It is either Die or Retreat for her, no in-between in longer battles.

Suggested EGO

In this section we have listed best E.G.O.s, one per their rank for the Identity - starting with Zayin from left.

[What is Cast] Rodion
[What is Cast] Rodion
[Rime Shank] Rodion
[Rime Shank] Rodion
[Pursuance] Rodion
[Pursuance] Rodion
[Sanguine Desire] Rodion
[Sanguine Desire] Rodion


Full design (tier 3)