In Limbus Company, each Sinner and each of their Identities will have access to skills during the combat. Each of the skills can deal one of the three damage types:

- Slash
- Pierce
- Blunt
Allies and enemies will have different resistances or weaknesses to those damage types, so it is important to pick appropriate skills.
On top of those three damage types, each skill will be associated with one of the seven “Sin Affinities”, those being, which are also a subject to resistances and weaknesses:

- Wrath
- Lust
- Sloth
- Gluttony
- Gloom
- Pride
- Envy

While not affecting damage by themselves, chaining two + skills associated with the same sin, will cause them to resonate, increasing skill potency. Those further in the chain will benefit with higher power increase.

Additionally, if you can chain 3 or more Sins in succession, Absolute Resonance will activate, boosting skills power even further based on their number.

Resistances and Weaknesses
Resistances to slash, pierce and blunt damage, are divided into five tiers:
- Fatal - 2x damage received
- Weak - 1,5x damage received
- Normal - 1x damage received
- Endure - 0,5x damage received
- Ineffective - 0,25x damage received
Those numbers assume we will follow Library of Ruina numbers for those. Additionally, Sin affinity also changes how much damage will be received or dealt. Let's look at the base Identity Heatcliff below:

Heatcliff will receive two times more damage from Lust and Gluttony affiliated skills, take 0,75 damage from Envy skill and normal damage from rest Sins.
In Limbus Company, outcome is determined by flipping coins. Each skill has at least one coin. Skills have fixed base power while coins add or remove power from the skill.

Coin bonus applies when the coin lands on the Heads. As already mentioned, coins can add or remove power from the skill. In the case of skills with multiple coins, the result of one coin affects the next coin result too.
Skills and coins will have different unique effects, based on whether the coin flips on heads or tails. Head will not always be the desired outcome. While this system at first looks to have the outcome be always a 50/50 result, Sanity system adjusts it. When Sanity is positive , odds of rolling “good” outcomes are increased and when Sanity is negative, “bad” outcomes will happen more often.
When both sides attack each other with a skill, Clash occurs. Clash is a comparison of two skills’ powers. It is possible to cancel an attack with a Clash.
In Combat, allies and enemies will always attack the closest target (usually the slowest), however, each ally and enemy have their speed rolled at the start of each turn, it is possible to intercept attacks if one's speed is higher than the opposing side’s.

When fighting Abnormalities, the clash will occur when skill is set directly against the Abnormality.

With it, both non-abnormality and abnormality battles have different dynamics set to them.
Clash outcome is the outcome of the final number on the skill, factoring in all the bonuses. Winner of the Clash is the one with higher power.
During Clash, both sides Skill power and one coin will clash at the same time. If one side loses a clash, they lose the clashing coin and move to the next coin, unless there is no more. In that case, Clash ends and the winning side performs a direct attack.
Depending on the skill and amount of remaining coins, skill can hit the enemy multiple times.
Sanity was mentioned already when talking about coins and their odds.
Sanity, also known as SP, will greatly affect the flow of combat. Except for Abnormalities, each character has Sanity. Each battle Sanity starts at 0 and can go up to +45 or go down to -45. However, in Story and Mirror dungeons Sanity level will carry over towards the next fight.
Sanity increases when a clash is won or an enemy dies. Sanity decreases when clash is lost, ally character dies or E.G.O is used. Death of an ally or enemy impacts the whole team’s Sanity.
- Positive level of Sanity (between +1 and 45) will cause coins to yield favourable results.
- Negative level of Sanity (between -1 and -45) will cause enemies to panic and Sinners to get out of our control temporarily.
E.G.O or Extermination of Geometrical Organ are a special type of skill that requires a specific number of Sins used beforehand and Sanity. For example, using a skill with Greed affinity, will give a player 1 affinity resource.
Each E.G.O has their own set of resistances that apply to the Sinner after using an E.G.O skill. However, not all resistances are changed. Only stronger resistances from the E.G.O are applied so there is no worry of becoming more fragile.
While using E.G.O drains Sinner's sanity, it is possible to use it even if Sinner is at the very bottom. Each time E.G.O is used while Sinner is under 0 Sanity threshold, there is a chance to use a Corroded, uncontrollable version of the E.G.O attack that may target allies. When E.G.O is used while at -45 Sanity, Sinner goes out of control into E.G.O corrosion state, all their attacks become E.G.O attacks and they attack everybody, foe and ally alike.