Tohka YatogamiBuild and Guide


Tohka Yatogami is a Epic rarity character from the Warrior class who belongs to the Chaotic faction and who uses the STR gear type.

To learn more about Tohka Yatogami check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Tohka Yatogami check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Damage Increase
Damage Reduction
Build info


Faster she goes through her rotation, more often she procs her Shield and faster she builds her "Final Sword" stacks.


Final Sword - Halvanhelev

Type: Damage - Single

Unleashes the true power of Sandalphon to annihilate the enemy. Targeting the nearest enemy, she deals Crit DMG equal to 200% of ATK in a straight 3.5m wide area. If Tohka has the "Final Sword" buff, she consumes all stacks to deal additional damage equal to 100% of ATK per stack.

Level 101:

Damage changes to 225%, additional damage changes to 120%.

Level 201:

Damage changes to 250%, additional damage changes to 140%. Using this skill at 4 stacks of "Final Sword" multiplies its effectiveness by 1.5.


Don't Get in My Way!

Type: Damage - Single

Swinging a sword that cleaves through space itself at the nearest enemy, Tohka deals Crit DMG equal to 300% of ATK to enemies within a 2.5m wide and 5m long area, piercing 50% of their DEF, Then she gains a stack of the "Final Sword" buff.

Level 81:

Damage changes to 330%.

Level 181:

Damage changes to 360%. "Final Sword" stack gain changes to 2.


I Shall Protect!

Type: Buff - Mass

Creates a protective zone around her that increases the Physical / Magic Resistance of allies within a 3m radius by 30% for 4 sec. She also recovers HP equal to 150% of ATK and gains a shield that absorbs damage equal to 20% of max HP for 15 sec. When the Physical / Magic Resistance buff expires, her own ATK and DEF increase by 20% for 15 sec.

Level 21:

Physical / Magic Resistance increase changes to 35%. ATK and DEF increase changes to 25% Recovery changes to 175% and shield HP changes to 25%

Level 121:

Physical / Magic Resistance increase changes to 40%. ATK and DEF increase changes to 30%, Recovery changes to 200%, and shield HP changes to 30%. The duration of the ATK and DEF increase effect changes to 18 sec.


How Dare You?!

Type: Damage - Single

Unleashes a furious series of strikes to the nearest enemy, dealing Crit DMG equal to 235% of ATK.

Level 41:

Damage changes to 255%.

Level 141:

Damage changes to 275%. Grants 1 stack of "Final Sword."


Adonai Melek

Type: Buff

Amplifies Tohka's power even further. Damage dealt increases by 15%, and total damage received decreases by 15%.

Level 61:

Damage dealt increase changes to 17.5% and total damage received increase changes to 17.5%.

Level 161:

Damage dealt increase changes to 20% and total damage received increase changes to 20%

Partner Skills
Main Partner

Missing name

Type: Passive

Level 1: This character does not have a Partner skill.

Level 7: This character does not have a Partner skill.

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: This character does not have a Partner skill.

Level 7: This character does not have a Partner skill.



Artifact Skill


Type: Buff

Increases Physical/Magic Resistance and Crit DMG by 10%.

Upgrade 1:

Increases Physical/Magic Resistance and Crit DMG by 13%.

Upgrade 2:

Increases Physical/Magic Resistance and Crit DMG by 16%.

Upgrade 3:

Increases Physical/Magic Resistance and Crit DMG by 21%. Using "I Shall Protect!" also restores 500 Mana.

Upgrade 4:

Increases Physical/Magic Resistance and Crit DMG by 24%.

Upgrade 5:

Increases Physical/Magic Resistance and Crit DMG by 27%.

Upgrade 6:

Increases Physical/Magic Resistance and Crit DMG by 30%. Using "How Dare You?!" also restores 500 Mana.

Artifact Stats
Crit Rate
Crit DMG



PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Tohka Yatogami, from Date a Live collaboration is a Chaotic Soul released in November 2024. She is a STR Warrior who primarily fulfills the role of an Off-tank/Bruiser with her guaranteed Critical Damage attacks paired with a plethora of defensive skills. Let's take a look at her skills first:

  • Main - Don't Get in My Way! : An AoE skill that deals 50% Defense piercing, guarantees Critical Damage and grants 2 stacks of "Final Sword" on use.

  • Ultimate - Final Sword - Halvanhelev: An AoE that deals guaranteed Critical Damage and consumes "Final Sword" stacks she has for additional damage. If Tohka has 4 "Final Sword" stacks at time of using this skill, multiply the skill damage by 1.5 for 1215% max.

  • Sub 1 - I Shall Protect! : A mixed buff skill that increases allies Resistances by 40% but for only 4 seconds, after whose expiry she increases her own Attack and Defense by 30% for 18 seconds instead. She also gains a Shield for 15 seconds and recovers her own HP.

  • Sub 2 - How Dare You?! : A single target skill that deals guaranteed Critical Damage and grants one stack of “Final Sword” on use.

  • Passive - Adonai Melek : A simple passive that boosts damage dealt by her and reduces damage received by her by 20% each.

  • Artifact/Special Skill – Princess: Increases her Physical and Magic Resistance and Crit DMG by 10~30%. Additionally restores 500 Mana on her Sub-Skills on use.

Our first collaboration soul, Tohka Yatogami serves as an Off-tank as mentioned earlier, as you might have noticed, her kit is very simple to understand and aligns with developers aim of making the collab units newbie focused/friendly.

Tohka is a frontliner who has guaranteed Critical Damage on all her attack skills without any conditionals making her the only soul to do so. Her Ultimate requires 4 “Final Sword” stacks to maximize damage, which fortunately is easy to get even on Auto, as she features an insanely fast rotation of AA -> S1 -> S2 -> AA -> S2 -> Repeat, thus 2 stacks from S2 and 2 stacks from her Main will ensure that she unleashes her Ultimate to maximum potential. 

As for her defensive utility, through her Sub 1 and Artifact defensive stat increases, she gains significant tanking ability and can hold her own not only in Battlefield/Depths but also in raids. Tohka can reliably act as Karma Shackles bait in Guild Raid Gaia, suffering little to no damage even when run alone, much less with support, and any damage she does take, she heals herself back quite easily. Similarly, with a Speed set on hand, Tohka can reliably proc her Shields on time in Guild Raid Charite serving as another Shield alternative there.

However, despite high multipliers and guaranteed Critical Damage, Tohka falls short in DPS department compared to well established bruisers such as Velanna due to her low offensive stats and reliance on Critical Damage, a stat hard to raise for STR users via keepsakes. Furthermore, while her Ultimate might give you a deja vu of Naomi/Linzy (Thanatos) Ultimate, it unfortunately falls flat as “Final Sword” stacks are capped out to be at 4, shattering the dream of a big Nuke at the end. While she handles Tanking great in Charite/Gaia, her DPS is of a Sub-DPS at best, and in other raids, she falls flat altogether.

  • Collection:  Get at least 1 copy regardless of if you plan to use them or not.

  • New / F2P / Casual Players: Tohka can function as a good Sub-DPS and Tank in one for second team/early game. In later stages of the game, she will be primarily utilized only for her defensive prowess if required. However, she can be a stop gap unit in various raids until you have proper teams. Get at least 1 copy for she is a limited Soul, aim for Origin if building, for Kurumi vs Tohka, refer to our section at bottom of review.

  • Dolphins / Competitive Raid Players / Whales / Rankers:: As things stand, her highest use case is in Gaia as Karma Shackles bait which she tanks flawlessly, giving her an edge over characters such as Talia in the role. Beyond that, in the current Guild Raid meta she will be hard pressed to find a slot. Not the worst choice of soul to invest in, given you wont need additional Artifact Investment and Guild Raid S2 might propel her as DPS due to main piercing 50% Defense, aim for Origin to ensure she survives well.

Team Composition and Synergies

Tohka Yatogami primarily wants two types of allies, those who increase her Critical Damage - either by buffs or by debuffing enemies (such as Sigrid) to increase her effectiveness as DPS and those who grant her some additional defensive capabilities to increase her prowess as Tank, her major limitation as a Tank is lack of taunt, so characters that do it would pair well with her, Claire also works great as she penetrates the formation attacking backline, whereas Tohka can handle frontline Tanks/DPS allowing your DPS to go ham.


Tohka Yatogami is a soul primarily aimed at New Players, her major use case comes on early on in-game when she has just enough damage to work as a great secondary DPS along with tanking most of what is sent at you. For Day 1 players or players already with well established rosters, she can only provide utility as a great Off-tank should you need one. However, she might creep in Guild Raid Gaia meta for those who are always on lookout for min-maxing and ranking high.

Pros & Cons

  • High Tanking capabilities.

  • Self-buffs enhance her kit significantly.

  • Does not require Artifact Investment as it scales automatically with her ascension.

  • True Limited Unit.


  • Ultimate is limited to 4 Stacks only, limiting DPS potential.

  • Low damage despite guaranteed Critical Damage on all her skills.

  • Very less value addition to old players.

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

This character does not have a Love Story.

VA & Release
Release date
November 21st, 2024
Marina Inoue
Various information
Personal information
Tohka Yatogami
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information
Kinako Buns
Syringes, Pickled Plums
Food Crawl