The first Echomancer from Tourmillon S.E.E.D. encountered and a member of the Hermits. Constantly traveling around the world and provided a large number of historical files from Tourmillon to the scientific research department, though the majority of it is likely to be derivative works and must be carefully distinguished from the truly useful ones. Currently a freelancer writing for, signed under the premium package A, pen name Bimu. See index for details of her works.
To learn more about Ms. Lew check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
This character has no video guide yet.
Ms. Lew profile was last updated on November 12th, 2024.
To learn more about Ms. Lew check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Tips & Dupes
Profile & Tea Time
Chain Lightning
Damage, Barrier PEN
Command CD: 25s
Uses: 5
Anthem Composer
Casting CD: 25s
Thunder of Truth
Damage, Interception, Barrier PEN
Charge Time: 90s
Book of Coincidences
Single, Anti-Air
Range: 1200
ATK Speed: 0.59/s
Combat Traits
Base Effect:
Unlocks at Seed Lv. I:
Unlocks at Seed Lv. II:
Unlocks at Seed Lv. III:
Unlocks at Seed Lv. IV:
Unlocks at Seed Lv. V:
Special DR: Ground
Condition: [Skirmisher, Ranger]
Thunderous Force
Condition: [All Echomancers]
Potential Exploration
Lv. 0: When set as Leader, this Echomancer gains an Engraving Stat bonus of 20% (including VIT, ATK, and MST).
Lv. 1: When set as Leader, teammates gain an Engraving Stat bonus of 20% (including VIT, ATK, and MST).
Lv. 2: When set as Leader and on the field: Increases the VIT of Echomancers on the field by 20%.
Lv. 3: When set as Leader, this Echomancer’s MST to DMG Rate is increased to 110%.
Lv. 4: When set as Leader, after each use of an Active Skill, the Extra DMG of Echomancers on the field is increased by 20%, stacking up to 3 times and lasting for 30s.
Lv. 5: ATK SPD +5%.
Lv. 6: CRIT Rate +5%.
Lv. 7: When set as Leader on the field: Lightning Echomancers ignore 10% of the target's Basic DR. When an Elemental Reaction is triggered on the field, applies a 40% [Elemental Reaction DMG Bonus] to all enemies for 30s.
Lv. 8: After being switched to Backup, the redeployment CD is reduced by 15s.
Lv. 9: When set as Leader, the Extra DMG of all Echomancers on the field is increased by 50%. Additionally, when calculating the number of Echomancers required for [Inspire], this Echomancer is counted as 2.
Ms. Lew Ascension stats aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
Ms. Lew is a 4✦ Echomancer of the Ranger Class, with the Lightning Element. She can increase her own stats and recover Active Skill charges as the battle progresses with her Auto Skill, dealing surprisingly good damage for a low rarity character.
Easy to max out dupes, and can perform better than single copy higher rarity lightning damage carries, viable budget option;
Can restore Active Skill charges and grow more powerful during drawn out battles;
High damage multipliers on Active Skill;
Active Skill and Ultimate can penetrate enemy barriers;
Ultimate can intercept projectiles.
Limited usefulness in late game due to low stats and multiplier ceiling from her low rarity;
Active skill doesn’t hit all enemies in a swarm;
Very Squishy.
Global Server
CN Server
High personal damage that ramps up as the fight goes on. She can be obtained for free and is easy to max out, being a good option for F2P players. Falls off on later version due to the high amount of stronger Lightning characters being released, as well as lacking utility.
Ms. Lew review isn't available yet. It will be added soon!
Tips & Dupes
Ms. Lew Tips & Dupes tips aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
Profile & Tea Time
Any Formula requires a minimum of 330 score in order to unlock new Dialogues. Full Bonus can be achieved with Coziness 4000 + Bond level 9 or above. There are two types of Formula: Memoir and Score. "Memoir" enables the Memoir book, while "Score" are high score recipes used to farm bond (the numbers in the brackets mean: No Bonus/Full Coziness/Full Bonus).
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