2-set options
Those sets can roll on R-SSR Spectral gear pieces.

Spectral Bullet
- ATK +10%
- HIT +10%
Great set for all damage dealers. HIT is pretty important to counter employees with high evasion and Perfect Evasion.

Spectral Chain
- ATK +10%
- CRIT +10%
It's okay set if you want to go full offense.

Spectral Gear
- ATK +10%
- EVA +10%
Well, still better than the normal ATK set.
4-set options
Those sets can roll only on SR and SSR Spectral gear pieces.

Spectral Smite
- ATK +16%
- CRIT DMG +16%
There aren't that many employees that make use of CRIT DMG and you usually want to use the normal CRIT DMG set on them, but it's still usable.

Spectral Blaze
- ATK +16%
- ASPD +8%
Great for all employees that rely on Basic Attack to deal damage. BIS set for a lot of Soldiers and Mechs, but also some Counter like using it.

Spectral Spirit
- ATK +16%
- Skill Haste +12%
Best on Counters as they want Skill Haste above everything.
Below you will find a list of available rolls on the Spectral Gear.

Main stat:
Option 1 (prefix):
- Anti-Striker DMG
- Anti-Defender DMG
- Anti-Ranger DMG
- Anti-Sniper DMG
Option 2 (suffix):
- Crit DMG
- Anti-Ground DMG
- Anti-Air DMG

Main stat:
- HP
Option 1 (prefix):
- Anti-Striker DMG
- Anti-Defender DMG
- Anti-Ranger DMG
- Anti-Sniper DMG
Option 2 (suffix):
- Skill Haste
- CC Res
- Anti-Ground DMG Res
- Anti-Air DMG Res
- Anti-Striker DMG Res
- Anti-Defender DMG Res
- Anti-Ranger DMG Res
- Anti-Sniper DMG Res

Main stat:
Option 1 (prefix):
- Anti-Striker DMG
- Anti-Defender DMG
- Anti-Ranger DMG
- Anti-Sniper DMG
Option 2 (suffix):
- Skill Haste
- CC Res
- Anti-Ground DMG
- Anti-Air DMG
- Anti-Air DMG Res
- Anti-Striker DMG Res
- Anti-Defender DMG Res
- Anti-Ranger DMG Res
- Anti-Sniper DMG Res
As you can see from the available stats, Spectral sets are purely offensive type of gear - and the ability to combine Anti-X DMG with Anti-Ground DMG makes it perfect for characters that you use to counter specific threats. For example Anti-Defender DMG + Anti-Ground DMG Spectral Blaze set equipped on Administrator Rifleman will turn them into monsters that will melt Defenders even faster in the Gauntlet.
Also, don't waste your Set Binaries on Spectral.