Guide created by IzuhiiCounter:Side is a live-service game which means things can and will change, for better or worse. Two most prominent examples are the CC-Resistance (now renamed to Debuff Resistance) and the DMG Calculation rework. This means the guide might become obsolete / less relevant.
If it does happen, do let us know so we can make changes to the guide to keep them up-to-date.
Relic Gear
Relic gears are T7 gears with unlockable 3rd stats called Latent. To unlock this you will need to enhance them to +2/+5/+7.

This Latent is permanent and random per gear, and you’ll only know what it is once you unlock it the first time (+2 unlock). The next two (+5 and +7) will only add more numbers and will not change the stat itself.
Currently we have 3 types of Relic gears: Swift, Britra, and Inhibitor.
Swift Relic
This gear is farmable from Relic Dungeon. You can get the gear from doing the stages or by crafting. You should always use the R rarity (no 2nd substat) as enhance fodders, and only work on SR or SSR gear to latent.
- Latent SSR - 1.7~6.5 %SPD/2.2~8.8 %CDR/1.2~4.8 %ASPD
- 1st substat - 2.8 %SPD/2.2 %CDR/1.8 %ASPD
- 2nd substat - 16% anti-x dmg
- Latent SSR - 1.7~6.5 %SPD/2.2~8.8 %CDR/1.2~4.8 %ASPD
- 1st substat - 2.8 %SPD/2.2 %CDR/1.8 %ASPD
- 2nd substat - 16% anti-x res
- Latent SSR - 1.8~7.0 %SPD/2.5~9.7 %CDR/1.3~5.3 %ASPD
- 1st substat - 3.1 %SPD/2.4 %CDR/2.0 %ASPD
- 2nd substat - 17.6% anti-x dmg/anti-x res
Britra Relic
This gear is farmable from Britra Raid. You can get the gear from clearing the Raid Milestone rewards or by crafting. Britra gear is very niche as it's centered around CDMG, CRIT HIT. So far the only unit known to use it best is Xiaolin.
- Latent SSR - 2.2~12.8 %CDMG/2.5~9.7 %rmDMG/0.8~6.5 %ATK
- 1st substat - 8.0 %CDMG/36 CRIT/36 HIT
- 2nd substat - 16% anti-x dmg
- Latent SSR - 2.2~12.8 %CDMG/2.5~9.7 %rmDMG/0.8~6.5 %ATK
- 1st substat - 8.0 %CDMG/36 CRIT/36 HIT
- 2nd substat - 16% anti-x res
- Latent SSR - 2.5~14.2 %CDMG/2.7~10.7 %rmDMG/1.0~7.0 %ATK
- 1st substat - 8.8 %CDMG/40 CRIT/40 HIT
- 2nd substat - 17.6% anti-x dmg/anti-x res
Inhibitor Relic
This gear is farmable from Inhibitor Raid. You can get the gear from clearing the Raid Milestone rewards or by crafting. Inhibitor gear is the best defensive gear as long as you can get the good latent roll.
- Latent SSR - 8.0~32.0 %CDMGRES/2.5~9.7 %rmRES/2.2~8.8 %CDR
- 1st substat - 4% Counter/Mech/Soldier res
- 2nd substat - 16% anti-x res
- Latent SSR - 8.0~32.0 %CDMGRES/2.5~9.7 %rmRES
- 1st substat - 4% Counter/Mech/Soldier res
- 2nd substat - 16% anti-x res
- Latent SSR - 8.8~35.2 %CDMGRES/2.7~10.7 %rmRES
- 1st substat - 5% Counter/Mech/Soldier resT
- 2nd substat - 17.6% anti-x dmg/anti-x res
Investing in Latent is really expensive and on average you need 100k+ Eter (Relic Dungeon) or 50k+ Info (Raid) per gear (unless you got really lucky) and this is not counting the gold and enhance fodders needed to unlock latents. The number will go even higher if you are only checking latent on gear with a natural good set. This alone will discourage many people from min-maxing Latent, but for the rest, this is the real taste of what end-game gear grind is like.
Once you get to this end-game, chances are your standard gears are already done (Humming, Maze, Gordias gears) and you still have Set Binaries piled. Rather than trying to save Set Binaries, you would statistically have more chance to get the best gear by trying out latent on any gear set and then use Set Binaries to tune them to appropriate sets. The flow of Relic and Latent farming will be something like:
Farm Relic Gears > Check +2 Latent socket > If good, try +5/+7 sockets > If good, use Set Binaries to tune the set.
So far the latent gear sets worth farming for are:
Swift Relic ASPD set
(Swift Hands + Case + Crowns all ASPD latent)
Swift Hands can get 6.6% ASPD max but you can use a T6/T7 Sc Hands with 4.8/5.1% as placeholder. Try to tune Accessories first, then Case, then Hands.
- Low Roll: 32.6% ASPD + 51.2% gDMG
- Average Roll: 40.2% ASPD + 51.2% gDMG
- Max Roll: 47.8% ASPD + 51.2% gDMG
Defensive Relic CDR set
(Inhibitor Hands + Maze Case + Swift Movements all CDR latent)
Inhibitor Hands can get 8.8% CDR + 16% gRES, Maze Case can get 11% CDR + 16% gRES, Swift Movement can get 12.1% CDR + 17.6% gRES.
- Low Roll: 53.0% CDR + 67.2% gRES
- Average Roll: 63.5% CDR + 67.2% gRES
- Max Roll: 74.0% CDR + 67.2% gRES
Defensive Relic HP set
(Inhibitor Hands + Maze Case + Gordias/Inhibitor acc all rmRES latent)
Inhibitor Hands can get 9.7% rmRES + 4% tRES + 16% gRES, Maze Case can get 40% CDMGRES + 16% gRES, Gordias can get 13.2% rmRES + 17.6% gRES, Inhibitor acc can get 10.7% rmRES + 5% tRES + 17.6% gRES.
With Gordias Accessory
- Low Roll: 4% tRES + 28.9% rmRES + 40% CDMGRES + 67.2% gRES
- Average Roll: 4% tRES + 32.5% rmRES + 40% CDMGRES + 67.2% gRES
- Max Roll: 4% tRES + 36.1% rmRES + 40% CDMGRES + 67.2% gRES
With Inhibitor Accessory
- Low Roll: 14% tRES + 7.9% rmRES + 40% CDMGRES + 67.2% gRES
- Average Roll: 14% tRES + 19.5% rmRES + 40% CDMGRES + 67.2% gRES
- Max Roll: 14% tRES + 31.1% rmRES + 40% CDMGRES + 67.2% gRES
A word of warning
Gear tuning has no pity, unlike when you roll for a unit. This means that improper investment can potentially brick your account. Tip for new players will be:
Always try to ask people with better knowledge and experience before committing to use your tuning/set binaries and before you sell/enhance a gear. We have a discord server with lots of helpful people willing to share, so do check it out.