What is Danger Close?
Danger Close is a competitive PvE game mode where players compete by fighting a boss every other week. Each boss has 3 difficulty modes, and on the last difficulty, the players may choose additional risks for the fight to increase their score. Every season, the boss also comes with a set of units buffed and a debuff.
Is it worth competing in?
For the most part - it’s only for bragging rights. Clearing just the 9k score rewards - which should be doable even for casuals, gives 235 DC points and some other rewards, while a gear in the DC shop costs 400 points. Along with season rewards, semi-competitive players will be able to buy gear almost every week.
Risks and scoring
The base score on killing a DC boss is based on the time left after killing the boss. On the third difficulty of each boss, the kill rewards 8000 points with additional points being rewarded for the time remaining, with 1 second roughly giving 28 points. The game tracks the kill time to milliseconds, making the base score very precise to the last digit.
Risks are a vital part of DC, being the main score source after being able to kill the boss.
Risk | Tier 1 | Score Bonus | Tier 2 | Score Bonus | Tier 3 | Score Bonus |
Decreased ATK | -10% | +3% | -25% | +6% | -50% | +10% |
Decreased HP | -10% | +3% | -25% | +6% | -50% | +10% |
Decreased ASPD | -10% | +3% | -25% | +10% | -40% | +15% |
Decreased Skill Haste | -10% | +3% | -25% | +10% | -40% | +15% |
Increased Enemy HP | +15% | +3% | +30% | +6% | +50% | +10% |
Increased Enemy ATK | +15% | +3% | +30% | +10% | +50% | +15% |
Decreased Deployment Resource | -30% | +10% | - | - | - | - |
Awakened Unit ATK, DEF, HP Decrease | -20% | +5% | -40% | +10% | - | - |
The player may choose as many debuffs as they like, but only one per type - you cannot pick both ATK -10% and ATK -25% in the same run.
Now that we have the risks listed out, which ones are worth using?
- Decreased ATK and ASPD are taken when the player has enough damage to comfortably hamper themselves while still being able to kill the boss.
- Decreased HP and increased enemy ATK are taken when the player’s units are able to survive the boss well enough.
- Decreased skill haste is often used as long as there are no mechanics in which a certain level of haste is required for some units, such as healers needing to heal at a specific time.
- Decreased deployment resource is used when the player does not have a strict cost restraint on their team; while this risk gives a heavy score bonus, it also heavily changes strategies in some bosses, so be careful when picking it!
- Awakened unit stat decrease is the most commonly used risk because awakened units are not prevalent in Danger Close top runs; however, newer players may struggle to kill bosses without the help of awakened units. Generally, this buff is used when there is no awakened unit on the team.
- Increased enemy HP debuff makes the boss absurdly tanky and gives a feeble amount of bonus points. It’s rarely ever worth taking.
Now you may be wondering: is it worth killing a boss slower if you can do it with a higher bonus from risks? The answer is simply, try it yourself and see which strategy scores higher! If you can estimate a kill time for the boss, you can also estimate your score for it, which would be calculated as:
Score=[time left(in seconds) * (50 / 3) + 10000] * (1 + score bonus %)
In total there are 9 Danger Close bosses. Each requires a specific approach, or rather tactic, to kill.

Moderator Type A

A massive weapon of unknown origin from outside our dimension. It specializes in pulverizing approaching enemies, and is also capable of unsupported dimension jumps thanks to an engine system similar to a dimensional ship's.It may have been originally programmed to travel to and from the Counterside hunting C.O.s, but by the time it was discovered, it was out of control, having been damaged beyond repair by Corruption Rays.
※ The Moderator receives additional damage when attacked in the rear, where it is vulnerable
Name | Level | HP | ATK | DEF | CRIT | HIT | EVA |
Moderator Type A Normal | 80 | 570 323 | 4616 | 1288 | 627 | 648 | 432 |
Moderator Type A Hard | 100 | 901 141 | 7246 | 1868 | 816 | 938 | 624 |
Moderator Type A Nightmare | 130 | 2 070 294 | 11 961 | 2999 | 1124 | 1500 | 1000 |

Moderator Type B

A massive weapon of unknown origin from outside our dimension. It specializes in subduing distant enemies, and is also capable of unsupported dimension jumps thanks to an engine system similar to a dimensional ship's.It may have been originally programmed to travel to and from the Counterside hunting C.O.s, but by the time it was discovered, it was out of control, having been damaged beyond repair by Corruption Rays.
※ The Moderator receives additional damage when attacked in the rear, where it is vulnerable.
Name | Level | HP | ATK | DEF | CRIT | HIT | EVA |
Moderator Type B Normal | 80 | 525 783 | 3217 | 798 | 758 | 648 | 832 |
Moderator Type B Hard | 100 | 830 831 | 5279 | 1156 | 970 | 938 | 1203 |
Moderator Type B Nightmare | 130 | 1 867 263 | 12 548 | 1857 | 1558 | 1500 | 3000 |


A Shadow in the hyperdepths of the Counterside. She hates every living thing and revels in hunting down those that run from her. A creature of the warped world, she's not bound by time or space, and is always threatening the Normalside beyond the walls.
※ Nervier and Monolith specialize in fighting Ground units.
Name | Level | HP | ATK | DEF | CRIT | HIT | EVA |
Nervier Normal | 80 | 471 808 | 7264 | 747 | 713 | 884 | 415 |
Nervier Hard | 100 | 766 898 | 11396 | 1081 | 791 | 1277 | 602 |
Nervier Nightmare | 130 | 1 493 862 | 19 850 | 1735 | 880 | 2045 | 1203 |


A noble being that has numerous sisters on the Counterside. Neither a Corrupted Object nor a Shadow, she's been freed from the eternal tether of fate and become one with the warped world, attaining immortality along the way. She's smarter than any human and stronger than any Shadow, but her arrogance may be her undoing.
※ Defeat Sollicitatio before she reaches your ship. You can use Tower units to temporarily distract her
Name | Level | HP | ATK | DEF | CRIT | HIT | EVA |
Sollicitatio Normal | 80 | 516 015 | 6757 | 1503 | 780 | 432 | 0 |
Sollicitatio Hard | 100 | 815 413 | 10 602 | 2179 | 995 | 624 | 0 |
Sollicitatio Nightmare | 130 | 2 167 361 | 21 006 | 3500 | 1355 | 1000 | 0 |

Tyrant Armor

A Category 3 C.O. observed regardless of the depth.Unlike the Beast type, which is dominated by instinct, it has the discretion to wait for an opportunity, thus posing a greater threat.Its combat style changes greatly depending on the armament floating around its main body.
※ Attack with units with multiple-hit skills to interrupt Tyrant Armor's attack patterns.
Name | Level | HP | ATK | DEF | CRIT | HIT | EVA |
Tyrant Armor Normal | 80 | 452 350 | 5099 | 1500 | 767 | 852 | 502 |
Tyrant Armor Hard | 100 | 714 684 | 8009 | 2111 | 980 | 1232 | 724 |
Tyrant Armor Nightmare | 130 | 1 416 578 | 13 938 | 3389 | 1353 | 1973 | 1158 |

Tyrant Sword

A Category 3 C.O. observed regardless of the depth.Unlike the Beast type, which is dominated by instinct, it has the discretion to wait for an opportunity, thus posing a greater threat.Its combat style changes greatly depending on the armament floating around its main body.
※ Minimize the damage by decreasing the number of units within Tyrant Sword's range.
Name | Level | HP | ATK | DEF | CRIT | HIT | EVA |
Tyrant Sword Normal | 80 | 609 567 | 6732 | 641 | 821 | 852 | 1000 |
Tyrant Sword Hard | 100 | 1 000 741 | 10 557 | 697 | 1041 | 1232 | 1446 |
Tyrant Sword Nightmare | 130 | 2 007 882 | 18 401 | 746 | 1384 | 1973 | 2317 |

Regenerated Bishop

An officer of the Replacer Syndicate. She's a regenerated Replacer created as the Arbiter of System Terraside. According to the intel from the Administration, she's an evolved being that combines the old Replacer Bishop with the Qliphoth Replica Factor.\nShe seems to be affected by her source's memories, but she hasn't let it interfere with her performance as an officer of her organization, the hostile Replacer Syndicate.
※ The Regenerated Bishop temporarily creates an Immortal clone during her Ultimate skill.
Name | Level | HP | ATK | DEF | CRIT | HIT | EVA |
Regenerated Bishop Normal | 80 | 532 208 | 8271 | 1231 | 796 | 800 | 1569 |
Regenerated Bishop Hard | 100 | 840 778 | 12 965 | 1778 | 1007 | 1152 | 2262 |
Regenerated Bishop Nightmare | 130 | 1 381 745 | 22 573 | 2131 | 1336 | 1834 | 1441 |

Regenerated Knight

An officer of the Replacer Syndicate. She's a regenerated Replacer created as a guardian of System Terraside. According to the intel from the Administration, she's an evolved being that's been newly built from the bioinformation of the Replacer Knight. Everything about her, including personality and combat capabilities, is believed to have improved incomparably than before.
※ Attack the Regenerated Knight and remove her barrier before its duration expires.
Name | Level | HP | ATK | DEF | CRIT | HIT | EVA |
Regenerated Knight Normal | 80 | 384 630 | 8626 | 543 | 832 | 1552 | 208 |
Regenerated Knight Hard | 100 | 607 782 | 13 532 | 788 | 1051 | 2242 | 300 |
Regenerated Knight Nightmare | 130 | 1 065 489 | 25 096 | 1266 | 1390 | 3591 | 482 |

Replacer King

The veiled leader of the Replacer Syndicate. He's been controlling his organization from behind without revealing himself. His endless psychological war with information agencies of different countries has given him the image of a demagogue or theorist. In reality, he's also a threatening combatant.
※ Replacer King pushes away nearby enemies and inflicts significant skill damage on distant enemies.
Coming soon!

Yamata no Orochi

A solitary being inhabiting the depths of Counterside, also known as Deathland. Once a goddess who brought prosperity to humans, she became a monster who despises humans after losing her beloved one at the hands of those seeking immortality. In place of her eight severed heads, she uses the body of the soulless priestess as a vessel to gather her strength and return to reality.
※ You must protect the orb from Orochi, who hinders allies' recovery ability.
Name | Level | HP | ATK | DEF | CRIT | HIT | EVA |
Yamata no Orochi Normal | 80 | 482 825 | 9 901 | 1 781 | 1 241 | 2 108 | 790 |
Yamata no Orochi Hard | 100 | 737 712 | 15 019 | 2 486 | 1 729 | 2 933 | 1 101 |
Yamata no Orochi Nightmare | 130 | 1 152 466 | 23 295 | 3 650 | 2 529 | 4 291 | 1 608 |